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<title>Wap Portal Server Manual</title>
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      <td align="right" width="100%" valign="bottom"><span class="big">Manual 
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      <td align="center" width="50%"><b>Site Settings</b></td>
      <td><b><u>Site info</u></b><br>
        In the <b>Site info</b> section of the Administration Area you can edit 
        the portal settings for your WAP site. This info will be used by the script 
        to print site titles, send you the e-mail and so on.<br>
        The settings that can be edited are:<br>
        - <b>Title</b> (the name of your WAP site)<br>
        - <b>Email</b> (your e-mail address)<br>
        - <b>Logo alt</b> (the text appearing instead of the WAP logo if not available).<br>
        The e-mail address you set up here is the address that contact form e-mails 
        are sent to, so make sure you enter the correct address.<br>
        After you made the changes just click on the <b>Submit</b> button and 
        info will be updated.<br>
<b><u>Time offset</u></b><br>
In the <b>Time offset</b> section of the Administration Area you can edit the 
<b>time difference</b> between your <b>local time</b> and your <b>server's time</b>.<br>
        It can happen that you are located in Europe, but your server is in America. 
        You want all dates to be presented in your local time. Then you just need 
        to setup time difference to 6 - 9 hours.<br>
        The date shows on the main WAP page, on the news and articles and guestbook 
        The time difference available is <b>+/- 24</b> hours. If your local time 
        is ahead of the server time then the time difference needs to be positive.<br>
        Just choose the time difference and click the <b>Submit</b> button. The 
        time will be updated and you can check if the welcome message above shows 
        the correct time and date.<br>
        <b><u>Date format</u></b><br>
        There are several different ways to write a date. The Americans use Month-Day-Year 
        method, Europeans use Day-Month-Year or Year-Month-Day.<br>
        In the <b>Date format</b> section of the Administration Area you can setup 
        prefered date format to be displayed on your WAP site<b></b>.<br>
        You can set the prefered formats yourself by following PHP strftime() 
        standard. <br>
        More datailed instructions are present on the time offset page..<br>
        All dates on your WAP site will be presented according to your settings 
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  <p><span class="small">Copyright &copy; 2002 Wap Portal Server</span></p>