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<title>Wap Portal Server Manual</title>
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      <td align="right" width="100%" valign="bottom"><span class="big">Manual 
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      <td align="center" width="50%"><b>Content Management</b></td>
      <td>This section of the Administration Area will manage the sections and 
        content of your WAP site. You can see the screenshot of the main page 
        <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td align="center"><img src="images/home.gif" width="137" height="178"><br>
              <span class="small">Main WAP page</span></td>
        Sections in Wap Portal Server are generic and you can build as many as 
        you want. To each section you can assign content items. You can for example 
        have sections like News, Articles, FAQs etc. In addition to sections with 
        content listing you can create plain pages linked directly from the main 
        menu. Several built-in components are also available (such as Guestbook, 
        Web links, Poll and Contact form). 
          Here you can <strong>add</strong> or <strong>edit</strong> a <strong>section</strong> 
          (<strong>title</strong> and <strong>intro</strong> text). The WML code 
          is supported in the intro. Every new line will also be translated to 
          WML new line (&lt;br /&gt;).<br>
          You can choose whether you want to publish a section or keep it unpublished. 
          Only published sections will appear in the main menu (when added).<br>
          <strong>Editing</strong> and <strong>deleting</strong> a section is 
          also pretty intuitive.<br>
          <b><u>Section items</u></b><br>
          On this page you can create <strong>content items</strong> and <strong>assign</strong> 
          them to a <strong>section</strong>. <strong>UBB code</strong> is supported 
          in items as the <strong>long articles</strong> are automatically <strong>split 
          up</strong> in multiple pages in the frontend. Built-in javascript function 
          will help you with adding UBB code to your content.<br>
          All section items can be easily managed and navigated in a <strong>paged 
          admin</strong> with <strong>reordering</strong> and <strong>publishing</strong> 
          <b><u>Main menu</u></b><br>
          In this area you can <strong>add</strong> your sections and components 
          to the <strong>main menu</strong>. Besides sections you can create as 
          many <strong>custom WAP pages</strong> as you want.<br>
          Just click on <b>New</b> and select a <strong>Typed Content</strong>. 
          These pages are also split up in the runtime so only UBB is supported 
          for formatting.<br>
          Menu items can easily be <strong>reordered</strong> and <strong>published</strong> 
          from here.<br>
          In this component you can post WAP links. Click on the <b>Add Link</b> 
          and type <b>Title</b> and <b>Address</b>. You can select appearance 
          <b>ordering</b> and whether you want link to be <b>published</b>. When 
          you are finished click on the <b>Submit</b> button.<br>
          To <b>edit</b> or <b>delete</b> a link click on the Title in the left 
          list to select it first.<br>
          Your WAP visitors are able to post their comments on the WAP site. In 
          this section of Administration Area you can <b>edit</b> or <b>delete</b> 
          their <b>comments</b>. Powerful admin lets you delete multiple entries 
          at once and view user's IP adress and submission time.<br>
          This section is for your contact information. Type the text you want 
          to appear on the contact page. You can select whether you want the <strong>contact 
          form</strong> to be <b>active</b> or not. The contact form is used by 
          visitors to <b>send</b> you an <b>e-mail</b> from your WAP site. The 
          e-mail address provided in <b>Site info</b> will be used.<br>
          Poll gives your visitors possibility to <strong>vote</strong> in the 
          surveys you publish on your WAP site. You can have as many polls as 
          you want and visitor can select any of those, vote in it and view the 
          results. The latest poll is displayed as head poll.<br>
          In this section you can add and edit polls, its alternatives and counts.<br>
          You should keep in mind that suggested <b>size limit</b> for a WAP page 
          is: <b>1397 bytes</b>.<br>
          Size should not exceed this limit to ensure it will work with all devices 
          on the market.<br>
          Therefore the long content items and typed pages are <strong>automatically 
          split up</strong> in <strong>multiple pages</strong>. Every such page 
          is around <strong>500 byte</strong> long. When user is reading the article 
          on a WAP device he can then see Prev/Next links for next pages.</p>
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  <p><span class="small">Copyright &copy; 2002 Wap Portal Server</span></p>