View file phpmytourney/details.php

File size: 1.82Kb
* This file was created by Jйrфme Poulin under the phpmytourney
* project.  
* You can modify and redistribute this file as long as this
* copyright notice stays in the file.
* If you want to do major upgrades on my script, please contact
* me and we could work together.
* Jйrфme Poulin
* Student University of Sherbrooke
* [email protected] <== dont use for support !!!
* http:/ <== use sourceforce forum for support
*  phpMyTourney <C> 2001-2002
if(!isset($tourney_id)) echo("ERROR : page not properly called");
	//Show the Tournaments information...
	$sql = "SELECT hostname,nb_per_team, tname, tdatetime, ttype,prize,maps,status from  " . $GLOBALS['dbtable_header'] . "info where id ='$tourney_id'";
	$array = get_mysql_row($sql);

	$table[0][0] = "Hostname";
	$table[0][1] = $array[0];
	$table[1][0] = "Current Status";
	$table[1][1] = get_status_name($array[7]);
	$table[2][0] = "Nombre player per team";
	$table[2][1] = $array[1];
	$table[3][0] = "Tourney Name";
	$table[3][1] = $array[2];
	$table[4][0] = "DateTime (Eastern time)";
	$table[4][1] = $array[3];
	$table[5][0] = "Tourney Type";
	$table[5][1] = get_tourney_type_name($array[4]);
	//$table[][0] = "Tourney Game Speed";
	//$table[][1] = $array[5];
	$table[6][0] = "Prize";
	$table[6][1] = $array[5];
	$table[7][0] = "# Sign up";
	$table[7][1] = get_nb_signup($tourney_id);
	$table[8][0] = "# Checked in";
	$table[8][1] = get_nb_checked($tourney_id);
	$table[9][0] = "More Information";
	$table[9][1] = $array[6];
	print_twodim_table($table,"Tourney's Details");

