Просмотр файла admin-Login-Only/setup.html

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	<TITLE>admin-Login-Only - How to Set Up - Software Powers the Net - Globalissa.com</TITLE>

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		<meta name="description" content="This file is setup.html. It describes how to setup the Globalissa.com software called admin-Login-Only. admin-Login-Only lets you easily protect any web page using a PHP session.">
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<H2>Setup Instructions</H2>

<p>Follow these instructions to setup admin-Login-Only:</p>

	<li>unzip the distribution package into a new folder called &quot;admin-Login-Only&quot;
	<li>open the file called: <B>secret.php</B> 
	<li>enter your own values for ADMINUSER, ADMINPASSWORD, ADMINHOME and save
		<br>Example: <b style="color:green;">define("ADMINUSER", "</b><b style="color:red;">admin</b><b style="color:green;">"); // change the RED text only</b>
	<li>place all files from the &quot;admin-Login-Only&quot; folder into the web folder which has the file you wish to protect
		<br>Example - you want to protect: admin.php
	<li>launch your browser and open the file called <b><a href="admin.php">admin.php</a></b> on your server

<H2>How to Protect any Page</H2>

After completing the setup above it is easy to protect any page. Simply add this one line of code 
to the top of any page:

<p style="font-size:24px;">&lt;?php require_once("adminOnly.php");?&gt;</p>

<h2>Test admin-Login-Only</h2>

<p><a href="admin.php">Click here to test it out.</a></p>

	<li>Admin User Name: <b>admin</b></li>
	<li>Admin Password: <b>admin</b></li>
	<li>default page you will load if successful: <i>admin.php</i></li>
<p><a href="admin.php">Click here to test it out.</a></p>


<p><a href="tips.php">Click here for tips.</a></p>

<h2>Download the Distribution Zip File</h2>

	<td><a href="admin-Login-Only_version1.zip">Download version 1.2</a></td>
	<td>runs on PHP 4.04 or higher</td>
	<td>2.0 not available</td>
	<td>$_SESSION['foo'] supported</td>
	<td>superceded by 2.1</td>
	<td><a href="http://www.globalissa.com/showcase.php?productnumber=15">Download version 2.1</a></td>
	<td><img src="appimage/icons/icon_admin.gif" width="32" height="32" border=0 alt="Admin" align="absmiddle"> 2 icons <img src="appimage/icons/icon_logout.gif" width="32" height="32" border=0 alt="Logout"></td>
	<td>newest release</td>
