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Крестики нолики
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var cf = 0;
var choice=9;
var aRandomNumber = 0;
var comp = 0; 
var t = 0;
var wn = 0;
var ls = 0;
var ts = 0;
function help() {
alert("Вы играете крестиками а компьютер ноликами")
function logicOne() {
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function checkSpace() {
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if (cf==0) c=1;
if (cf==1) c=2;
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if (cf==0) d=1;
if (cf==1) d=2;
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if (cf==1) h=2;
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if (cf==0) i=1; 
if (cf==1) i=2; 
function yourChoice(chName) {
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cf = 0;
ok = 0;
if (ok==1) {
document.images[chName].src = x;
if (ok==0)taken();
if ((all==0)&&(pause==0)) myChoice();
function taken() {
alert("Эта клетка занята")
function myChoice() {
ok = 0;
while(ok==0) {
if (comp==1) temp="A";
if (comp==2) temp="B";
if (comp==3) temp="C";
if (comp==4) temp="D";
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if (comp==7) temp="G";
if (comp==8) temp="H";
if (comp==9) temp="I";
document.images[temp].src= o;
function ended() {
alert("Игра окончена. Чтобы сыграть ещё нажмите кнопку (Новая Игра)")
function process() {
if (all==1){ alert("Вы выграли"); wn++; }
if (all==2){ alert("Вы проиграли"); ls++; }
if (all==3){ alert("Ничья"); ts++; }
if (all!=0) {
document.game.you.value = wn;
document.game.computer.value = ls;
document.game.ties.value = ts;
function playAgain() {
if (all==0) {
if(confirm("Вы уверены?")) reset();
if (all>0) reset();
function reset() {
all = 0;
a = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
d = 0;
e = 0;
f = 0;
g = 0;
h = 0;
i = 0;
ok = 0;
cf = 0;
aRandomNumber = 0;
comp = 0;
document.images.A.src= blank;
document.images.B.src= blank;
document.images.C.src= blank;
document.images.D.src= blank;
document.images.E.src= blank;
document.images.F.src= blank;
document.images.G.src= blank;
document.images.H.src= blank;
document.images.I.src= blank;
if (t==0) { t=2; myChoice(); }

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<div class="title">
Крестики нолики
</div><div class="main">
<form name="game">
  <div align="center"><center><table border="0">
      <td><table border="1" borderColor="#000000" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0">
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('A')"><img border="0" height="61" name="A"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('B')"><img border="0" height="61" name="B"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('C')"><img border="0" height="61" name="C"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('D')"><img border="0" height="61" name="D"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('E')"><img border="0" height="61" name="E"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('F')"><img border="0" height="61" name="F"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('G')"><img border="0" height="61" name="G"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('H')"><img border="0" height="61" name="H"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
          <td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('I')"><img border="0" height="61" name="I"
          src="blank.jpg" width="56"></a></td>
        <tr colspan="2">
          <td><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1"><b>Счет:</b></font></td>
          <td><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1"><input name="you" size="5"
          style="font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 1"></font></td>
          <td><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1">Вы</font></td>
          <td><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1"><input name="computer" size="5"
          style="font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 1"></font></td>
          <td><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1">Компьютер</font></td>
          <td><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1"><input name="ties" size="5"
          style="font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 1"></font></td>
          <td><font face="MS Sans Serif" size="1">Ничья</font></td>
  </center></div><div align="center"><center><p><input onclick="playAgain();" type="button"
  value="Новая Игра"
  style="font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 1; font-weight: bold"> </p>

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