Просмотр файла esoTalk-1.0.0g4/addons/plugins/BBCode/plugin.php

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// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.

if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;

ET::$pluginInfo["BBCode"] = array(
	"name" => "BBCode",
	"description" => "Formats BBCode within posts, allowing users to style their text.",
	"version" => ESOTALK_VERSION,
	"author" => "esoTalk Team",
	"authorEmail" => "[email protected]",
	"authorURL" => "http://esotalk.org",
	"license" => "GPLv2"

 * BBCode Formatter Plugin
 * Interprets BBCode in posts and converts it to HTML formatting when rendered. Also adds BBCode formatting
 * buttons to the post editing/reply area.
class ETPlugin_BBCode extends ETPlugin {

 * Add an event handler to the initialization of the conversation controller to add BBCode CSS and JavaScript
 * resources.
 * @return void
public function handler_conversationController_renderBefore($sender)

 * Add an event handler to the "getEditControls" method of the conversation controller to add BBCode
 * formatting buttons to the edit controls.
 * @return void
public function handler_conversationController_getEditControls($sender, &$controls, $id)
	addToArrayString($controls, "fixed", "<a href='javascript:BBCode.fixed(\"$id\");void(0)' title='".T("Code")."' class='control-fixed'><i class='icon-code'></i></a>", 0);
	addToArrayString($controls, "image", "<a href='javascript:BBCode.image(\"$id\");void(0)' title='".T("Image")."' class='control-img'><i class='icon-picture'></i></a>", 0);
	addToArrayString($controls, "link", "<a href='javascript:BBCode.link(\"$id\");void(0)' title='".T("Link")."' class='control-link'><i class='icon-link'></i></a>", 0);
	addToArrayString($controls, "strike", "<a href='javascript:BBCode.strikethrough(\"$id\");void(0)' title='".T("Strike")."' class='control-s'><i class='icon-strikethrough'></i></a>", 0);
	addToArrayString($controls, "header", "<a href='javascript:BBCode.header(\"$id\");void(0)' title='".T("Header")."' class='control-h'><i class='icon-h-sign'></i></a>", 0);
	addToArrayString($controls, "italic", "<a href='javascript:BBCode.italic(\"$id\");void(0)' title='".T("Italic")."' class='control-i'><i class='icon-italic'></i></a>", 0);
	addToArrayString($controls, "bold", "<a href='javascript:BBCode.bold(\"$id\");void(0)' title='".T("Bold")."' class='control-b'><i class='icon-bold'></i></a>", 0);


 * Add an event handler to the formatter to take out and store code blocks before formatting takes place.
 * @return void
public function handler_format_beforeFormat($sender)
	$hideBlock = create_function('&$blockFixedContents, $contents', '
		$blockFixedContents[] = $contents;
		return "</p><pre></pre><p>";');
	$hideInline = create_function('&$inlineFixedContents, $contents', '
		$inlineFixedContents[] = $contents;
		return "<code></code>";');

	$this->blockFixedContents = array();
	$this->inlineFixedContents = array();

	$regexp = "/(.*)^\s*\[code\]\n?(.*?)\n?\[\/code]$/imse";
	while (preg_match($regexp, $sender->content)) {
		if ($sender->inline) $sender->content = preg_replace($regexp, "'$1' . \$hideInline(\$this->inlineFixedContents, '$2')", $sender->content);
		else $sender->content = preg_replace($regexp, "'$1' . \$hideBlock(\$this->blockFixedContents, '$2')", $sender->content);

	// Inline-level [fixed] tags will become <code>.
	$sender->content = preg_replace("/\[code\]\n?(.*?)\n?\[\/code]/ise", "\$hideInline(\$this->inlineFixedContents, '$1')", $sender->content);

 * Add an event handler to the formatter to parse BBCode and format it into HTML.
 * @return void
public function handler_format_format($sender)
	// TODO: Rewrite BBCode parser to use the method found here:
	// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1799454/is-there-a-solid-bb-code-parser-for-php-that-doesnt-have-any-dependancies/1799788#1799788
	// Remove control characters from the post.
	//$sender->content = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]/', '', $sender->content);
	// \[ (i|b|color|url|somethingelse) \=? ([^]]+)? \] (?: ([^]]*) \[\/\1\] )

	// Images: [img]url[/img]
	$replacement = $sender->inline ? "[image]" : "<img src='$1' alt='-image-'/>";
	$sender->content = preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/i", $replacement, $sender->content);

	// Links with display text: [url=http://url]text[/url]
	$sender->content = preg_replace_callback("/\[url=(\w{2,6}:\/\/)?([^\]]*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i", array($this, "linksCallback"), $sender->content);

	// Bold: [b]bold text[/b]
	$sender->content = preg_replace("|\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]|si", "<b>$1</b>", $sender->content);

	// Italics: [i]italic text[/i]
	$sender->content = preg_replace("/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/si", "<i>$1</i>", $sender->content);

	// Strikethrough: [s]strikethrough[/s]
	$sender->content = preg_replace("/\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\]/si", "<del>$1</del>", $sender->content);

	// Headers: [h]header[/h]
	$replacement = $sender->inline ? "<b>$1</b>" : "</p><h4>$1</h4><p>";
	$sender->content = preg_replace("/\[h\](.*?)\[\/h\]/", $replacement, $sender->content);

 * The callback function used to replace URL BBCode with HTML anchor tags.
 * @param array $matches An array of matches from the regular expression.
 * @return string The replacement HTML anchor tag.
public function linksCallback($matches)
	return ET::formatter()->formatLink($matches[1].$matches[2], $matches[3]);

 * Add an event handler to the formatter to put code blocks back in after formatting has taken place.
 * @return void
public function handler_format_afterFormat($sender)
	// Retrieve the contents of the inline <code> tags from the array in which they are stored.
	$sender->content = preg_replace("/<code><\/code>/ie", "'<code>' . array_shift(\$this->inlineFixedContents) . '</code>'", $sender->content);

	// Retrieve the contents of the block <pre> tags from the array in which they are stored.
	if (!$sender->inline) $sender->content = preg_replace("/<pre><\/pre>/ie", "'<pre>' . array_pop(\$this->blockFixedContents) . '</pre>'", $sender->content);
