View file esoTalk-1.0.0g4/addons/plugins/Debug/plugin.php

File size: 5.54Kb
// Copyright 2013 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.

if (!defined("IN_ESOTALK")) exit;

ET::$pluginInfo["Debug"] = array(
	"name" => "Debug",
	"description" => "Shows useful debugging information, such as SQL queries, to administrators.",
	"version" => ESOTALK_VERSION,
	"author" => "esoTalk Team",
	"authorEmail" => "[email protected]",
	"authorURL" => "",
	"license" => "GPLv2"

 * Debug Plugin
 * Shows useful debugging information, such as SQL queries, to administrators.
class ETPlugin_Debug extends ETPlugin {

	 * The time at which the current query started running.
	 * @var int
	private $queryStartTime;

	 * An application backtrace taken before a query is executed, and used to work out which model/method the
	 * query came from.
	 * @var array
	private $backtrace;

	 * An array of queries that have been executed.
	 * @var array
	private $queries = array();

	 * Initialize the plugin: turn esoTalk's debug config variable on.
	 * @return void
	public function init()

		// Turn debug mode on.
		if (!ET::$session->isAdmin()) return;
		ET::$config["esoTalk.debug"] = true;

	 * On all controller initializations, add the debug CSS file to the page.
	 * @return void
	public function handler_init()
		if (!ET::$session->isAdmin()) return;
		ET::$controller->addCSSFile($this->resource("debug.css"), true);
		ET::$controller->addJSFile($this->resource("debug.js"), true);

	 * Store the current time (before a query is executed) so we can work out how long it took when it finishes.
	 * @return void
	public function handler_database_beforeQuery($sender, $query)
		if (is_object(ET::$session) and !ET::$session->isAdmin()) return;

		$this->queryStartTime = microtime(true);
		$this->backtrace = debug_backtrace();

	 * Work out how long the query took to run and add it to the log.
	 * @return void
	public function handler_database_afterQuery($sender, $result)
		if (is_object(ET::$session) and !ET::$session->isAdmin()) return;

		// The sixth item in the backtrace is typically the model. Screw being reliable.
		$item = $this->backtrace[6];
		$method = isset($item["class"]) ? $item["class"]."::" : "";
		$method .= $item["function"]."()";

		// Store the query in our queries array.
		$this->queries[] = array($result->queryString, round(microtime(true) - $this->queryStartTime, 4), $method);

	 * Render the debug area at the bottom of the page.
	 * @return void
	function handler_pageEnd($sender)
		// Don't proceed if the user is not permitted to see the debug information!
		if (!ET::$session->isAdmin()) return;

		// Stop the page loading timer.
		$end = microtime(true);
		$time = round($end - PAGE_START_TIME, 4);

		// Output the debug area.
		echo "<div id='debug'>
	<div id='debugHdr'><h2>".sprintf(T("Page loaded in %s seconds"), $time)."</h2></div>";

		// Include the geshi library so we can syntax-highlight MySQL queries.
		include "geshi/geshi.php";

		echo "<h3><a href='#' onclick='$(\"#debugQueries\").slideToggle(\"fast\");return false'>".T("MySQL queries")." (<span id='debugQueriesCount'>".count($this->queries)."</span>)</a></h3>
		<div id='debugQueries' class='section'>";
		foreach ($this->queries as $query) {
			$geshi = new GeSHi(trim($query[0]), "mysql");
			echo "<div><strong>".$query[2]."</strong> <span class='queryTime subText".($query[1] > 0.5 ? " warning" : "")."'>".$query[1]."s</span>".$geshi->parse_code()."</div>";
		$this->queries = array();

		// Output POST + GET + FILES information.
		echo "</div>
		<h3><a href='#' onclick='$(\"#debugPostGetFiles\").slideToggle(\"fast\");return false'>".T("POST + GET + FILES information")."</a></h3>
		<div id='debugPostGetFiles' class='section'>
		<p style='white-space:pre' class='fixed' id='debugPost'>\$_POST = ";
		echo sanitizeHTML(print_r($_POST, true));
		echo "</p><p style='white-space:pre' class='fixed' id='debugGet'>\$_GET = ";
		echo sanitizeHTML(print_r($_GET, true));
		echo "</p><p style='white-space:pre' class='fixed' id='debugFiles'>\$_FILES = ";
		echo sanitizeHTML(print_r($_FILES, true));
		echo "</p>

		// Output SESSION + COOKIE information.
		echo "<h3><a href='#' onclick='$(\"#debugSessionCookie\").slideToggle(\"fast\");return false'>".T("SESSION + COOKIE information")."</a></h3>
		<div id='debugSessionCookie' class='section'><p style='white-space:pre' class='fixed' id='debugSession'>\$_SESSION = ";
		echo sanitizeHTML(print_r($_SESSION, true));
		echo "</p><p style='white-space:pre' class='fixed' id='debugCookie'>\$_COOKIE = ";
		echo sanitizeHTML(print_r($_COOKIE, true));
		echo "</p></div>";

		// Hide all panels by default.
		echo "<script>
		$(function() {
			$('#debug .section').hide();

	// Construct and process the settings form.
	public function settings($sender)
		// Set up the settings form.
		$form = ETFactory::make("form");
		$form->action = URL("admin/plugins/settings/Debug");
		// If the form was submitted...
		if ($form->validPostBack("upgradeDB")) {

			// Run the upgrade process.

			// Upgrade plugins as well.
			foreach (ET::$plugins as $name => $plugin) {

			$sender->message(T("message.upgradeSuccessful"), "success");


		$sender->data("debugSettingsForm", $form);
		return $this->view("settings");
