View file vendor/php-di/php-di/src/Definition/ObjectDefinition/PropertyInjection.php

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namespace DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition;

 * Describe an injection in a class property.
 * @author Matthieu Napoli <[email protected]>
class PropertyInjection
     * Property name.
     * @var string
    private $propertyName;

     * Value that should be injected in the property.
     * @var mixed
    private $value;

     * Use for injecting in properties of parent classes: the class name
     * must be the name of the parent class because private properties
     * can be attached to the parent classes, not the one we are resolving.
     * @var string|null
    private $className;

     * @param string $propertyName Property name
     * @param mixed $value Value that should be injected in the property
    public function __construct(string $propertyName, $value, string $className = null)
        $this->propertyName = $propertyName;
        $this->value = $value;
        $this->className = $className;

    public function getPropertyName() : string
        return $this->propertyName;

     * @return mixed Value that should be injected in the property
    public function getValue()
        return $this->value;

     * @return string|null
    public function getClassName()
        return $this->className;

    public function replaceNestedDefinition(callable $replacer)
        $this->value = $replacer($this->value);