Просмотр файла resources/lang/en/forums.php

Размер файла: 4.93Kb

return [
    'forum'                => 'Forum',
    'topic'                => 'Topic',
    'post'                 => 'Message',
    'latest'               => 'Last',
    'top_topics'           => 'Top topics',
    'top_posts'            => 'Top Posts',
    'create_forum'         => 'Create Partition',
    'create_topic'         => 'Create topic',
    'title_active_posts'   => 'Message list :user',
    'title_active_topics'  => 'The list of topics :user',
    'title_bookmarks'      => 'My bookmarks',
    'empty_bookmarks'      => 'No bookmarks yet!',
    'empty_topics'         => 'Themes have not yet been created!',
    'empty_posts'          => 'No messages yet!',
    'empty_forums'         => 'Forum sections not yet created!',
    'closed_forum'         => 'In this section it is forbidden to create themes!',
    'title_create'         => 'Creating a new topic',
    'create_vote'          => 'Create a vote',
    'question'             => 'Question',
    'answer'               => 'Answer',
    'votes'                => 'Votes',
    'vote'                 => 'Vote',
    'total_votes'          => 'Total Voted',
    'topics'               => 'Themes',
    'posts'                => 'Messages',
    'bookmarks'            => 'Bookmarks',
    'to_bookmarks'         => 'To bookmarks',
    'from_bookmarks'       => 'From bookmarks',
    'title_new_posts'      => 'New messages',
    'title_new_topics'     => 'New Topics',
    'title_rss'            => 'Forum Topics',
    'title_search'         => 'Search the forum',
    'title_top_topics'     => 'Top Popular Themes',
    'title_top_posts'      => 'Top Popular Posts',
    'rating'               => 'Rating',
    'title_edit_forum'     => 'Change section',
    'title_edit_topic'     => 'Change Theme',
    'title_edit_post'      => 'Change message',
    'title_move_topic'     => 'Topic Transfer',
    'delete_files'         => 'Delete files',
    'topic_curators'       => 'Topic Curators',
    'curators_note'        => '(User ID separated by commas)',
    'topic_closed'         => 'This topic is closed for discussion',
    'confirm_delete_forum' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this section?',
    'confirm_delete_topic' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic?',
    'confirm_close_topic'  => 'Do you really want to close this topic?',
    'parent_forum'         => 'Parent section',
    'note'                 => 'Announcement',

    'create_rule1' => 'Before creating a new topic, you must familiarize yourself with the rules',
    'create_rule2' => 'Also make sure that there is no such topic, so as not to create the same ones, for this enter the keyword in the search',
    'create_rule3' => 'And if after that you are sure that your topic will be interesting to other users, then you can create it',

    'topics_not_created'       => 'Created by those not yet!',
    'posts_not_created'        => 'No posts created yet!',
    'posts_deleted_moderators' => 'Only moderators can delete posts!',
    'post_not_exist'           => 'This message does not exist!',
    'topic_not_exist'          => 'This topic does not exist!',
    'forum_not_exist'          => 'This section does not exist!',
    'forum_closed'             => 'In this forum it is forbidden to create topics!',
    'topic_success_created'    => 'New topic successfully created!',
    'topic_success_closed'     => 'Topic successfully closed!',
    'topic_success_changed'    => 'Theme successfully changed!',
    'post_repeat'              => 'Your message repeats the previous post!',
    'post_added_after'         => 'Added after :sec sec.',
    'posts_deleted_curators'   => 'Only topic curators can delete posts!',
    'posts_edited_curators'    => 'Only the author or the curators of the topic can edit posts!',
    'topic_edited_points'      => 'To change and close the topic you need :point!',
    'topic_not_author'         => 'You are not the author of this topic!',

    'bookmark_success_deleted'   => 'Topic successfully deleted from bookmarks!',
    'bookmark_success_added'     => 'Topic successfully bookmarked!',
    'bookmarks_missing'          => 'Missing selected bookmarks!',
    'bookmarks_selected_deleted' => 'Selected topics have been successfully deleted from bookmarks!',

    'forum_success_created'  => 'New section successfully created!',
    'forum_invalid'          => 'Invalid section selection!',
    'forum_has_subforums'    => 'This section has subforums!',
    'forum_has_topics'       => 'There are topics in this section!',
    'forum_success_edited'   => 'Section edited successfully!',
    'forum_success_deleted'  => 'Section deleted successfully!',
    'topic_success_edited'   => 'Theme has been edited successfully!',
    'topic_success_moved'    => 'Topic successfully moved!',
    'topic_success_opened'   => 'Topic successfully opened!',
    'topic_success_pinned'   => 'Theme has been successfully pinned!',
    'topic_success_unpinned' => 'Topic successfully unpinned!',
    'topic_success_deleted'  => 'Topic successfully deleted!',