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$Header: /home/cvsroot/pofhq-wapmail/lang/french.php,v 1.3 2002/12/13 20:44:47 pau Exp $
Copyright (c) 2002 Pau Oliva Fora <[email protected]>
Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
### French language file.
## Thanks to Grйgory Marigot <[email protected]> for the translation.
$S_LOGIN="Utilisateur: ";
$S_P="Mot de passe: ";
$S_FOLDER="Dossier: ";
$S_MESSAGES="Message(s): ";
$S_UNREAD="non lu(s): ";
$S_VIEWMAIL="[ Voir les messages ]";
$S_VIEW="[ Voir ]";
$S_DELETE="[ Effacer ]";
$S_PREVIOUS="[ Prec. ]"; # Prйcйdent
$S_NEXT="[ Suiv. ]"; # Suivant
$S_NOMORE="Vous n'avez pas d'autres messages.";
$S_SENDOK=utf8_encode("Message envoyiй а");
$S_SENDOTHER="Envoyer un autre";
$S_COMPOSE="[ Composer ]"; # Nouveau message
$S_REPLY=utf8_encode("[ Rйpondre ]");
$S_INFO="[ Informations dossier ]"; # Infos
$S_CHANGEFOLDER="[ Changer de Dossier ]";
$S_MAILDELETED=utf8_encode("Message supprimй");
$S_LOGOUT=utf8_encode("[ Dйconnexion ]");