I've always wanted to elaborate on the installation instructions a
little as I myself find they are not very clear.
For the steps with MySQL, you need to start up the MySQL client
(conveniently called "mysql" which you'll find in the "bin" directory
where mysql is installed by running "mysql -u root" (to login as root).
You may need to type in the root password, in which case you'll need to
run "mysql -u root -p".
Once in mysql, you'll need to create a database for WebChess to store
it's data. For our example here, let's call our database "WebChess". To
command to run from within the MySQL client is "create database WebChess".
From now on we'll be operating from within this database, so to make
this database the active, run "use WebChess" (again from within the MySQL
Now that we have a database, we need to create the tables within it
needed for WebChess. To make this easier, I've already included the SQL
statements used to create the tables. You'll find them in the
"docs\tables" directory. Each .txt file in there (except
user_permissions.txt (see below)) contains the SQL statement needed to
create the corresponding MySQL table. Simply copy everything starting
with "CREATE TABLE" up to and including the parenthesis and semicolon ");"
and paste it in the MySQL client. (You may need to hit [Enter] after for
the pasted command to register.) If done successfully, you should see a
message like this:
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)
Once you've successfully created every table, typing "show tables;"
(don't forget the semicolon!) should reveal the following:
| Tables_in_WebChess |
| games |
| history |
| messages |
| pieces |
| players |
| preferences |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Now you must create a user for WebChess to use and grant him select,
insert, update and delete rights to the WebChess database. By creating
this user with limited access, you limit the rights of a would-be attacker
using the WebChess username and password to gain access to your MySQL
For the purpose of our example, let's create a user called "WCuser" with
password "WCpass". We can use the example provided in the
docs\tables\user_permissions.txt file as inspiration giving us the
following command:
ON WebChess.*
TO WCuser
Again we enter this command in the MySQL client (including the
semicolon) and hiting [Enter]. If done successfully, we should see
something similar to this:
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.28 sec)
I would just like to point out that, in the above query, "WebChess" is
the name we gave our database, "WCuser" is the username we chose and
"WCpass" is the password. Also, only password is entered between
Unfortunately, MySQL doesn't always immediately recognize user
permissions, although it should in this case. Type "quit" in the mysql
client to return to the command prompt. Now let's test our new user by
attempting to login with the MySQL client using our newly created user and
password. To do this, we use the following parameters to MySQL: "mysql -u
WCuser -p" and enter "WCpass" (without the double-quotes) when prompted
for a password. If all goes well, we should be greeted with the "mysql>"
prompt, and typing "use WebChess" should give us a "Database changed"
If instead we get an error message when trying to log in or change
database, we can try to force MySQL to reload user permissions by exiting
to the command prompt and typing "mysqladmin -u root reload", or at the
very worse stopping and starting the MySQL service.
Hopefully by this point we've got a database filled with all the
necessary tables used by WebChess along with a working username and
password for WebChess to access them. All that's left now is to give
WebChess the info on the database and user we just created. Fortunately,
this is easy to do and all it requires is editing config.php in any text
editor. (Note: a word processor like MS Word is >> NOT << a text editor!)
Specifically, we need to set the $CFG_USER, $CFG_PASSWORD and
$CFG_DATABASE settings to our situation like this:
$CFG_USER = "WCuser";
$CFG_DATABASE = "WebChess";
And that's it! You should be able to create a new user now!