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  phpCB: a PHP code Beautifier

  Copyright 2002 - Sйbastien Hordeaux <[email protected]>

Syntax: phpCB [options] [filename]

If filename is not given, standard input is used.

Available options:

 --space-after-start-bracket......................... Insert a space after start bracket '('.
 --space-before-end-bracket.......................... Insert a space before end bracket ')'.
 --space-after-if.................................... Insert a space after 'if' keyword.
 --space-after-switch................................ Insert a space after 'switch' keyword.
 --space-after-while................................. Insert a space after 'while' keyword.
 --space-before-start-angle-bracket.................. Insert a space before starting angle bracket '{'.
 --space-after-end-angle-bracket..................... Insert a space after starting angle bracket '}'.
 --extra-padding-for-case-statement.................. Increase padding before case statements.
 --one-true-brace-function-declaration............... Use "One true brace" formating for functions.
 --glue-amperscore................................... Glue "&" to following item.
 --change-shell-comment-to-double-slashes-comment.... Change "# ..." comment into "// ..." comments.
 --indent-with-tab................................... If specified tabulation (ASCII #9) character is used to indent text, 
                                                      elsewhere space (ASCII #32) character is used.
 --force-large-php-code-tag.......................... Change "<?" and "<%" tokens into "<?php" and "%>" into "?>".
 --force-true-false-null-contant-lowercase........... Lowercase for NULL, TRUE and FALSE constants as encouraged in PEAR coding standards.
 --align-equal-statements............................ Align all consecutive assign statements to have all equal sign aligned to the 
                                                      best position.
 --align-equal-statements-to-fixed-pos............... Same as above, but all equal sign are align to a specified offset (40 by default, 
                                                      can be overwritten with the --equal-align-position switch)
 --comment-rendering-style <PEAR | PHPDoc>........... Tell the style of comment to use when reformating them.
 --equal-align-position <Offset>..................... What offset to align all assignement statement to.
 --padding-char-count <CharCount>.................... How many padding char must be used for indent ?

Check the documentation for more details.


  phpCB --space-after-if                             \
    --space-after-switch                             \
    --space-after-while                              \
    --space-before-start-angle-bracket               \
    --space-after-end-angle-bracket                  \
    --one-true-brace-function-declaration            \
    --glue-amperscore                                \
    --change-shell-comment-to-double-slashes-comment \
    --force-large-php-code-tag                       \
    --force-true-false-null-contant-lowercase        \
    --align-equal-statements                         \
    --comment-rendering-style PEAR                   \
    --equal-align-position 50                        \
    --padding-char-count 4                           \

This tool has required work; you are encouraged to reward this work by making a 
donation, this is the only way to encourage us to continue developping tools like 
this one and keeping them free. 
