Размер файла: 3.02Kb
* MobileCMS
* Content Management System for creation of mobile sites.
* @package MobileCMS
* @author http://mobilecms.ru/mobilecms/authors.php
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2011, MobileCMS
* @license http://mobilecms.ru/mobilecms/license.php
* @link http://mobilecms.ru/
defined('IN_SYSTEM') or die('<b>403<br />Запрет доступа!</b>');
* Виджет загрузок
class news_widget {
* Показ виджета
public static function display($widget_id) {
$db = Registry::get('db');
$widget = $db->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__index_page_widgets WHERE widget_id = $widget_id");
$config = parse_ini_string($widget['config']);
$last_news = $db->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__news ORDER BY news_id DESC LIMIT 1");
$comments = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__comments_posts WHERE module = 'news' AND item_id = '". $last_news['news_id'] ."'");
if($config['view_last_news'] == 0) {
return '<img src="'. URL .'views/'. THEME .'/img/icon.png" alt="" /> <a href="'. a_url('news') .'">Новости</a> ('. date('d.m.Y', $last_news['time']) .')<br />';
else {
$last_news['text'] = preg_replace('|[[\/\!]*?[^\[\]]*?]|si', '', $last_news['text']);
$last_news['text'] = main::limit_words(strip_tags($last_news['text']), 15);
$code = '<b>'. $last_news['subject'] .'</b> ('. date('d.m.Y', $last_news['time']) .')<br />'. PHP_EOL;
$code .= $last_news['text'] .'...<br />'. PHP_EOL;
$code .= '<a href="'. a_url('news/detail', 'news_id='. $last_news['news_id']) .'">Читать далее</a> | <a href="'. a_url('comments', 'module=news&item_id='. $last_news['news_id'] .'&return='. urlencode(URL)) .'">Комментарии</a> ['. $comments .']<br /><img src="'. URL .'views/'. THEME .'/img/icon.png" alt="" /> <a href="'. a_url('news') .'">Все новости</a>';
return $code;
* Настройка виджета
public static function setup($widget) {
$db = Registry::get('db');
$tpl = Registry::get('tpl');
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$error = false;
if(!$error) {
if($_POST['view_last_news'] == 1) $view_last_news = 1;
else $view_last_news = 0;
$config = 'view_last_news = "'. $view_last_news .'"';
$db->query("UPDATE #__index_page_widgets SET
config = '$config'
WHERE widget_id = '". $widget['widget_id'] ."'
a_notice('Изменения сохранены', a_url('index_page/admin'));
if(!isset($_POST['submit']) OR $error) {
$config = parse_ini_string($widget['config']);
$form_data = '
<label>Выводить на главную последнюю новость:</label>
<select size="1" name="view_last_news">
<option value="1">Да</option>
<option value="0"'. ($config['view_last_news'] == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') .'>Нет</option>
'form_data' => $form_data,
'error' => $error