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<title>Flot Examples</title>
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<h1>Flot Examples</h1>
<div id="placeholder" style="width:600px;height:300px"></div>
<p>1000 kg. CO<sub>2</sub> emissions per year per capita for various countries (source: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions_per_capita">Wikipedia</a>).</p>
<p>Flot supports selections through the selection plugin.
You can enable rectangular selection
or one-dimensional selection if the user should only be able to
select on one axis. Try left-click and drag on the plot above
where selection on the x axis is enabled.</p>
<p>You selected: <span id="selection"></span></p>
<p>The plot command returns a plot object you can use to control
the selection. Click the buttons below.</p>
<p><input id="clearSelection" type="button" value="Clear selection" />
<input id="setSelection" type="button" value="Select year 1994" /></p>
<p>Selections are really useful for zooming. Just replot the
chart with min and max values for the axes set to the values
in the "plotselected" event triggered. Enable the checkbox
below and select a region again.</p>
<p><label><input id="zoom" type="checkbox" />Zoom to selection.</label></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var data = [
label: "United States",
data: [[1990, 18.9], [1991, 18.7], [1992, 18.4], [1993, 19.3], [1994, 19.5], [1995, 19.3], [1996, 19.4], [1997, 20.2], [1998, 19.8], [1999, 19.9], [2000, 20.4], [2001, 20.1], [2002, 20.0], [2003, 19.8], [2004, 20.4]]
label: "Russia",
data: [[1992, 13.4], [1993, 12.2], [1994, 10.6], [1995, 10.2], [1996, 10.1], [1997, 9.7], [1998, 9.5], [1999, 9.7], [2000, 9.9], [2001, 9.9], [2002, 9.9], [2003, 10.3], [2004, 10.5]]
label: "United Kingdom",
data: [[1990, 10.0], [1991, 11.3], [1992, 9.9], [1993, 9.6], [1994, 9.5], [1995, 9.5], [1996, 9.9], [1997, 9.3], [1998, 9.2], [1999, 9.2], [2000, 9.5], [2001, 9.6], [2002, 9.3], [2003, 9.4], [2004, 9.79]]
label: "Germany",
data: [[1990, 12.4], [1991, 11.2], [1992, 10.8], [1993, 10.5], [1994, 10.4], [1995, 10.2], [1996, 10.5], [1997, 10.2], [1998, 10.1], [1999, 9.6], [2000, 9.7], [2001, 10.0], [2002, 9.7], [2003, 9.8], [2004, 9.79]]
label: "Denmark",
data: [[1990, 9.7], [1991, 12.1], [1992, 10.3], [1993, 11.3], [1994, 11.7], [1995, 10.6], [1996, 12.8], [1997, 10.8], [1998, 10.3], [1999, 9.4], [2000, 8.7], [2001, 9.0], [2002, 8.9], [2003, 10.1], [2004, 9.80]]
label: "Sweden",
data: [[1990, 5.8], [1991, 6.0], [1992, 5.9], [1993, 5.5], [1994, 5.7], [1995, 5.3], [1996, 6.1], [1997, 5.4], [1998, 5.4], [1999, 5.1], [2000, 5.2], [2001, 5.4], [2002, 6.2], [2003, 5.9], [2004, 5.89]]
label: "Norway",
data: [[1990, 8.3], [1991, 8.3], [1992, 7.8], [1993, 8.3], [1994, 8.4], [1995, 5.9], [1996, 6.4], [1997, 6.7], [1998, 6.9], [1999, 7.6], [2000, 7.4], [2001, 8.1], [2002, 12.5], [2003, 9.9], [2004, 19.0]]
var options = {
series: {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true }
legend: { noColumns: 2 },
xaxis: { tickDecimals: 0 },
yaxis: { min: 0 },
selection: { mode: "x" }
var placeholder = $("#placeholder");
placeholder.bind("plotselected", function (event, ranges) {
$("#selection").text(ranges.xaxis.from.toFixed(1) + " to " + ranges.xaxis.to.toFixed(1));
var zoom = $("#zoom").attr("checked");
if (zoom)
plot = $.plot(placeholder, data,
$.extend(true, {}, options, {
xaxis: { min: ranges.xaxis.from, max: ranges.xaxis.to }
placeholder.bind("plotunselected", function (event) {
var plot = $.plot(placeholder, data, options);
$("#clearSelection").click(function () {
$("#setSelection").click(function () {
plot.setSelection({ xaxis: { from: 1994, to: 1995 } });