return [
'photos' => 'A photo',
'albums' => 'Albums',
'album' => 'Album',
'top_photos' => 'Top Photos',
'total_photos' => 'Total Photos',
'total_albums' => 'Total Albums',
'empty_photos' => 'No photos yet!',
'empty_albums' => 'There are no albums yet!',
'confirm_delete_photo' => 'Do you confirm the deletion of the photo?',
'all_comments' => 'All comments',
'closed_comments' => 'Commenting on the photo is closed!',
'create_photo' => 'Adding a photo',
'name' => 'Title',
'description' => 'Photo caption',
'edit_photo' => 'Photo editing',
'edit_comment' => 'Editing a comment',
'photo_not_exist' => 'Photo not found!',
'photo_success_uploaded' => 'Photo uploaded successfully!',
'photo_not_author' => 'Photo not found or you are not the author of this photo!',
'photo_success_edited' => 'Photo successfully edited!',
'photo_has_comments' => 'It is forbidden to delete photos to which there are comments!',
'photo_success_deleted' => 'Photo successfully deleted!',