Просмотр файла vavok-1.5.3/lang/english/index.php

Размер файла: 4.35Kb
// (c) vavok.net - Aleksandar Vranešević
// modified: 18.07.2020. 18:43:21

$language = 'english';
$ln_loc = 'en';
$ln_charset = 'UTF-8';
$ln_allow_recoding = true;
$ln_text_dir = 'ltr'; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$number_thousands_separator = ',';
$number_decimal_separator = '.';
// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, Exa
$ln_byteUnits = array('bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');

$ln_day_of_week = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday','Sunday');
$ln_all_month = array('january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december');

// See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php to define the
// variable below
$ln_datefmt = '%d. %B %Y.';
$ln_timefmt = '%H:%M';
$ln_timespanfmt = '%s days, %s hours, %s minutes i %s seconds';

// main
$lang_home['home'] = "Main page";
$lang_home['login'] = "Login";
$lang_home['register'] = "Registration";
$lang_home['lostpass'] = "Lost password?";
$lang_home['forum'] = "Forum";
$lang_home['statistic'] = "Statistics";
$lang_home['sitelife'] = "Sitelife";
$lang_home['guestbook'] = "Guestbook";
$lang_home['sitenews'] = "Site news";
$lang_home['qpool'] = "Poll";
$lang_home['mymenu'] = "My Menu";
$lang_home['admpanel'] = "Admin panel";
$lang_home['modpanel'] = "Moderator panel";
$lang_home['newmess'] = "New message!";
$lang_home['inbox'] = "Inbox";
$lang_home['refresh'] = "Refresh";
$lang_home['message'] = "Message";
$lang_home['save'] = "Save";
$lang_home['nomsgs'] = "No messages, be first!";
$lang_home['forw'] = "Forward";
$lang_home['back'] = "Back";
$lang_home['smile'] = "Smiles";
$lang_home['bbcode'] = "BB codes";
$lang_home['etoa'] = "Send email to an administrator";
$lang_home['msgfrmst'] = "Message from website";
$lang_home['datesent'] = "Date of sending";
$lang_home['yname'] = "Your name";
$lang_home['yemail'] = "Your email";
$lang_home['send'] = "Send";
$lang_home['captcha'] = "Captcha";
$lang_home['version'] = "Version";
$lang_home['confirm'] = "Confirm";
$lang_home['usrnoexist'] = "Username does not exist";
$lang_home['today'] = "Today";
$lang_home['delete'] = "Delete";
$lang_home['all'] = "All";
$lang_home['comment'] = "Comment";
$lang_home['time'] = "Time";
$lang_home['user'] = "User";
$lang_home['access101'] = "Head admin";
$lang_home['access102'] = "Administrator";
$lang_home['access103'] = "Head moderator";
$lang_home['access105'] = "Super moderator";
$lang_home['access106'] = "Moderator";
$lang_home['access107'] = "User";
$lang_home['username'] = "Username";
$lang_home['pass'] = "Password";
$lang_home['logout'] = "Logout";
$lang_home['rembme'] = "Remember me";
$lang_home['page'] = "Page";
$lang_home['autopmreg'] = "Hello![br][br]We hope you will continue visiting us![br][br]Respectfully, site administration";
$lang_home['lang'] = "Language";
$lang_home['pggen'] = "Page generated in";
$lang_home['minutes'] = "minutes";
$lang_home['hours'] = "hours";
$lang_home['days'] = "days";
$lang_home['secs'] = "seconds";
$lang_home['guest'] = "Guest";
$lang_home['search'] = "Search";
$lang_home['notloged'] = "You are not logged in, in order to see this page you must <a href=\"" . BASEDIR. "pages/login.php\">log in</a><br>or <a href=\"" . BASEDIR. "pages/registration.php\">register</a>";
$lang_home['next'] = "Next";
$lang_home['prev'] = "Prev";
$lang_home['contact'] = "Contact";
$lang_home['readmore'] = "Read more";
$lang_home['resend'] = "Resend";
$lang_home['differentImage'] = "Different image";
$lang_home['author'] = "Author";
$lang_home['published'] = "Published";

// cookie consent
$lang_home['cookies'] = "Cookies."; // Title
$lang_home['purecookieDesc'] = "By using this website, you automatically accept that we use cookies."; // Description
$lang_home['purecookieLink'] = '<a href="/pages/cookies-policy.php" target="_blank">What for?</a>'; // Cookiepolicy link
$lang_home['purecookieButton'] = "Understood"; // Button text

// load additional language files
$langdir = explode("/", $config_requri);
$langdir = $langdir[1];

$phpselflang = str_replace(".php", '', $subself);
$phpselflang = str_replace("/", '', $phpselflang);

if(file_exists(BASEDIR . "lang/english/" . $langdir . ".php")) {
include_once BASEDIR . "lang/english/" . $langdir . ".php"; }
if(file_exists(BASEDIR . "lang/english/" . $phpselflang . ".php")) {
include_once BASEDIR . "lang/english/" . $phpselflang . ".php"; }