Просмотр файла vavok-1.5.3/lang/english/mail.php

Размер файла: 1.07Kb
// (c) vavok.net

$lang_mail = array();
$lang_mail['howtolostpass'] = "Write your username and email.<br />Your password will be sent to you in an email";
$lang_mail['newpassfromsite'] = "New paassword from site";
$lang_mail['hello'] = "Hello";
$lang_mail['yournewdata'] = "Your new login information needed to access the site";
$lang_mail['lnkforautolog'] = "Link for autologin to the site";
$lang_mail['ycchngpass'] = "You can change your password in your profile page";
$lang_mail['passgen'] = "Password succesfully generated!<br />New password has been sent to email address you set up in your profile";
$lang_mail['wrongcaptcha'] = "Captcha solution incorrect";
$lang_mail['wrongmail'] = "You have written wrong email address";
$lang_mail['noneededdata'] = "You didn't complete all of the required data ";
$lang_mail['delsubok'] = "You have been successfully unsubscribed from site news"; // site news subscription
$lang_mail['unsubcodefail'] = "Unsubscription code invalid";
$lang_mail['unsubfail'] = "Unsubscribing failed";

$lang_home = array_merge($lang_home, $lang_mail);