* This file was created by Jйrфme Poulin under the phpmytourney
* project.
* You can modify and redistribute this file as long as this
* copyright notice stays in the file.
* If you want to do major upgrades on my script, please contact
* me and we could work together.
* Jйrфme Poulin
* Student University of Sherbrooke
* [email protected] <== dont use for support !!!
* http:/phpmytourney.sourceforge.net/ <== use sourceforce forum for support
* phpMyTourney <C> 2001-2002
* filename : adminfunctions.php
* Created by : Jйrфme Poulin@09-02-2002
* Last modified : Jйrфme Poulin@09-02-2002
if(!isset($action)) echo("this page wasnt properly called");
function welcome(){
echo("Welcome to Tourney Administrator");
function menu(){
<br>- <a href="adminfunctions.php?action=newtourney" target="main">New Tourney</a>
<br>- <a href="adminfunctions.php?action=editdeletetourney" target="main">View Tourney</a>
function newtourney(){
global $maps,$tourney_types;
print_top_form("New Tourney","POST","adminmysql.php");
print_textbox("Host Name","hostname");
print_textbox("Nb players per team?<br>(1 = single)<br>This information cannot be altered so pick it carefully","nb_per_team");
print_textbox("Tourney Name","tname");
print_textbox("Checkin datetime<br><b>(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)</b>","tdatetime");
print_select_2dim_array("Tourney Type","ttype",$tourney_types);
//default value of textarea :
$maps = "Any Html Code in Here...";
print_textarea("More Information...","maps",35,20);
echo("<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"action\" value=\"newtourney\">");
print_submit("New Tourney");
function editdeletetourney(){
$sql = "Select id, tname, tdatetime, nb_per_team, status, id from " . $GLOBALS['dbtable_header'] . "info order by id";
$tarray = get_mysql_rows($sql,"no");
$header[0][] = "ID";
$header[0][] = "Tourney Name";
$header[0][] = "DateTime";
$header[0][] = "#/team";
$header[0][] = "Status";
$header[0][] = "View Players";
$header[0][] = "Change Status";
$header[0][] = "Edit";
$header[0][] = "Delete";
$nb = count($tarray);
$tarray[$i][4] = get_status_name($tarray[$i][4]);
$tourney_id = $tarray[$i][5];
$tarray[$i][5] = "<a href=\"adminfunctions.php?action=viewplayers&tourney_id=" . $tourney_id . "\" target=\"main\">Manage Tourney</a>";
$tarray[$i][6] = "<a href=\"adminfunctions.php?action=changestatus&tourney_id=" . $tourney_id . "\" target=\"main\">Change Status</a>";
$tarray[$i][7] = "<a href=\"adminfunctions.php?action=edittourney&tourney_id=" . $tourney_id . "\" target=\"main\">Edit Info</a>";
$tarray[$i][8] = "<a href=\"adminfunctions.php?action=deletetourney&tourney_id=" . $tourney_id . "\" target=\"main\">Delete</a>";
$table = array_merge($header,$tarray);
print_table($table,"Current Tourneys");
print_error("No tournaments to view/edit...");
function edittourney(){
global $tourney_id;
print_top_form("Edit Tourney","POST","adminmysql.php");
print_textbox("Host Name","hostname");
print_textbox("Tourney Name","tname");
print_textbox("Checkin datetime<br><b>(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)</b>","tdatetime");
print_textarea("More Information...","maps",35,20);
echo(" <input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"action\" value=\"edittourney\">
<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"tourney_id\" value=\"" . $tourney_id . "\">");
print_submit("Edit Tourney");
function deletetourney(){
global $tourney_id;
echo(" <P>Are you sure you want to DELETE tourney. This operation
is totaly permanent. No information will be backed up and
everything regarding the tourney will be lost</P>");
echo("<br><a href=\"adminmysql.php?action=deletetourney&tourney_id=" . $tourney_id . "\" target=\"main\">Delete it!</a>");
function get_tourney_info($id){
global $hostname, $tname, $tdatetime, $ttype, $tspeed, $prize, $maps;
$sql = "SELECT hostname, tname, tdatetime, ttype, tspeed, prize, maps
FROM " . $GLOBALS['dbtable_header'] . "info
WHERE id = '$id'";
$values = get_mysql_row($sql);
$hostname = $values[0];
$tname = $values[1];
$tdatetime = $values[2];
$ttype = $values[3];
$tspeed = $values[4];
$prize = $values[5];
$maps = $values[6];
function changestatus(){
global $tourney_id;
echo("Modify Status...");
echo(" <p> Allrite this isnt much user friendly, but it takes me much less time...
<br> Use theses code for Tourney Status");
print_top_form("Change Status","POST","adminmysql.php");
print_textbox("Status Number","status",1,1);
echo(" <input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"action\" value=\"changestatus\">
<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"tourney_id\" value=\"" . $tourney_id . "\">");
print_submit("Change Status");
function replacebye(){
global $tourney_id,$pos;
$tou_type = get_tourney_type($tourney_id);
if ($tou_type == "team")
$rows = get_mysql_rows("SELECT a.id, c.teamname from ALLTOURNEY_players a, tourney_signup_" . $tourney_id . " c LEFT JOIN tourney_data_" . $tourney_id . " b ON a.id=b.id WHERE a.id = c.id and b.id IS NULL","no");
$rows = get_mysql_rows("SELECT a.id, a.name from ALLTOURNEY_players a LEFT JOIN tourney_data_" . $tourney_id . " b ON a.id=b.id WHERE b.id IS NULL","no");
print_top_form("Replace Bye with " . $tou_type . " ?","POST","adminmysql.php");
echo(" <input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"action\" value=\"replacebye_sql\">
<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"pos\" value=\"" . $pos . "\">
<input type=\"HIDDEN\" name=\"tourney_id\" value=\"" . $tourney_id . "\">");
print_submit("Replace Bye with This " . $tou_type);
print_error("There is no other " . $tou_type . " to pick ");