View file script/all_flash.php

File size: 4.4Kb
// mcGalleryPRO                                                      //
// All code is © 2002-2003 Marc Cagninacci.                          //
// No files may be redistributed in whole or significant part.       //
// -------------- mcgalleryPRO IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- //
// You should have receive a file called license.txt in this package //

// last modified 2002-11-17

$cat = urldecode($cat);

if ($cat == $l_allcat && $tab =='f') { $fleche = $dart_b; $bold = '<b>'; $Fbold = '</b>'; }
else  { $fleche = $dart_d; $bold = ''; $Fbold = ''; }
echo '<tr><td class="td1" align="center"><a href="index.php?tab=f&cat='.stripslashes(urlencode($l_allcat)).'" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\';return true"><img src="images/'.$fleche.'" border="0" alt=""></a></td>';
echo '<td class="td2" width="100%" colspan="2"><font face="'.$rowd['fontface'].'" size="1">'.$bold;
echo '<a href="index.php?tab=f&cat='.stripslashes(urlencode($l_allcat)).'" class="lien1" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\';return true">'.stripslashes($l_allcat).'</a>'.$Fbold.'</font></td></tr>';

if ($l_allcat == $cat && $tab =='f')

$query="SELECT idalbum, album, COUNT(id) FROM mcgallery_flash WHERE idalbum < 100 GROUP BY idalbum";
    $query = "SELECT thumb FROM mcgallery_albumflash WHERE idalbum='$row[0]'";
    $resultat = mysql_query($query);
    $thumb = mysql_fetch_row($resultat);
    if ($thumb[0] == '' || $thumb_title == 0) { $thumb = 'images/blank.gif'; }
    else { $thumb = 'flash/'.$row[0].'/small/'.$thumb[0]; }
    echo '<tr><td class="td2" width="'.$thumb_title.'">';
    echo '<a href="index.php?flash=1&album='.$row[0].'" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\';return true"><img src="'.$thumb.'" width="'.$thumb_title.'" height="'.($thumb_title /4*3).'" border="0" alt=""></a></td>';
    echo '<td class="td2" width="100%"><font face="'.$rowd['fontface'].'" size="1">';
    if ($row[0]==$album && $flash==1)  { echo '<b>'; }
    echo '<a href="index.php?flash=1&album='.$row[0].'" class="lien1" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\';return true">'.stripslashes($row[1]).'</a>';
    if ($row[0]==$album && $flash==1)  { echo '</b>'; }
    echo '</font>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td class="td2" align="right" nowrap><font face=" '.$rowd['fontface'].'" color="'.$rowd['fontcolor2'].'" size="1">'.$row[2].' '.$l_flash.'</font></td></tr>';

 if (session_is_registered('private_login'))
   if ($level == 'admin' || $level == 'all')
   $where2 = 'idalbum >= 100';
   $levels = explode(',', $level);
   $where2 = '(idalbum >= '.($levels[0] * 100).' AND idalbum < '.((($levels[0] + 1) * 100) - 1).')';
   $i = 1;
     while($levels[$i] != '')
     $where2 = $where2.' OR (idalbum >= '.($levels[$i] * 100).' AND idalbum < '.((($levels[$i] + 1) * 100) - 1).')';
     //$where = $where.')';

 $query="SELECT idalbum, album, COUNT(id) FROM mcgallery_flash WHERE $where2 GROUP BY idalbum";

    $query = "SELECT thumb FROM mcgallery_albumflash WHERE idalbum='$row[0]'";
    $resultat = mysql_query($query);
    $thumb = mysql_fetch_row($resultat);
    if ($thumb[0] == '' || $thumb_title == 0) { $thumb = 'images/blank.gif'; }
    else { $thumb = 'flash/'.$row[0].'/small/'.$thumb[0]; }
    echo '<tr><td class="td2" width="'.$thumb_title.'">';
    echo '<a href="index.php?flash=1&album='.$row[0].'" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\';return true"><img src="'.$thumb.'" width="'.$thumb_title.'" height="'.($thumb_title /4*3).'" border="0" alt=""></a></td>';
    echo '<td class="td2" width="100%"><font face="'.$rowd['fontface'].'" size="1">';
    if ($row[0]==$album && $flash==1)  { echo '<b>'; }
    echo '<a href="index.php?flash=1&album='.$row[0].'" class="lien1" onMouseOver="window.status=\'\';return true">'.stripslashes($row[1]).'</a>';
    if ($row[0]==$album && $flash==1)  { echo '</b>'; }
    echo '</font>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td class="td2" align="right" nowrap><font face=" '.$rowd['fontface'].'" color="'.$rowd['fontcolor2'].'" size="1">'.$row[2].' '.$l_flash.'</font></td></tr>';