View file includes/sql_parse.php

File size: 2.58Kb
*                             sql_parse.php
*                              -------------------
 *      Разработка: phpBB Group.
 *      Оптимизация под WAP: Гутник Игорь ( чел ).
 *          2007 год

function remove_comments(&$output)
	$lines = explode("\n", $output);
	$output = "";

	// try to keep mem. use down
	$linecount = count($lines);

	$in_comment = false;
	for($i = 0; $i < $linecount; $i++)
		if( preg_match("/^\/\*/", preg_quote($lines[$i])) )
			$in_comment = true;

		if( !$in_comment )
			$output .= $lines[$i] . "\n";

		if( preg_match("/\*\/$/", preg_quote($lines[$i])) )
			$in_comment = false;

	return $output;

function remove_remarks($sql)
	$lines = explode("\n", $sql);
	// try to keep mem. use down
	$sql = "";
	$linecount = count($lines);
	$output = "";

	for ($i = 0; $i < $linecount; $i++)
		if (($i != ($linecount - 1)) || (strlen($lines[$i]) > 0))
			if ($lines[$i][0] != "#")
				$output .= $lines[$i] . "\n";
				$output .= "\n";
			// Trading a bit of speed for lower mem. use here.
			$lines[$i] = "";
	return $output;

function split_sql_file($sql, $delimiter)
	$tokens = explode($delimiter, $sql);

	$sql = "";
	$output = array();

	$matches = array();

	$token_count = count($tokens);
	for ($i = 0; $i < $token_count; $i++)
		if (($i != ($token_count - 1)) || (strlen($tokens[$i] > 0)))
			$total_quotes = preg_match_all("/'/", $tokens[$i], $matches);
			$escaped_quotes = preg_match_all("/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\'/", $tokens[$i], $matches);
			$unescaped_quotes = $total_quotes - $escaped_quotes;

			if (($unescaped_quotes % 2) == 0)
				$output[] = $tokens[$i];
				$tokens[$i] = "";
				$temp = $tokens[$i] . $delimiter;
				$tokens[$i] = "";

				$complete_stmt = false;
				for ($j = $i + 1; (!$complete_stmt && ($j < $token_count)); $j++)
					$total_quotes = preg_match_all("/'/", $tokens[$j], $matches);
					$escaped_quotes = preg_match_all("/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\'/", $tokens[$j], $matches);
					$unescaped_quotes = $total_quotes - $escaped_quotes;
					if (($unescaped_quotes % 2) == 1)
						$output[] = $temp . $tokens[$j];

						$tokens[$j] = "";
						$temp = "";

						$complete_stmt = true;
						$i = $j;
						$temp .= $tokens[$j] . $delimiter;
						$tokens[$j] = "";

	return $output;
