File size: 4.79Kb
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license MIT License
namespace Cake\Database\Driver;
use Cake\Database\Dialect\MysqlDialectTrait;
use Cake\Database\Driver;
use Cake\Database\Query;
use Cake\Database\Statement\MysqlStatement;
use PDO;
* Class Mysql
class Mysql extends Driver
use MysqlDialectTrait;
* Base configuration settings for MySQL driver
* @var array
protected $_baseConfig = [
'persistent' => true,
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'database' => 'cake',
'port' => '3306',
'flags' => [],
'encoding' => 'utf8mb4',
'timezone' => null,
'init' => [],
* The server version
* @var string
protected $_version;
* Whether or not the server supports native JSON
* @var bool
protected $_supportsNativeJson;
* Establishes a connection to the database server
* @return bool true on success
public function connect()
if ($this->_connection) {
return true;
$config = $this->_config;
if ($config['timezone'] === 'UTC') {
$config['timezone'] = '+0:00';
if (!empty($config['timezone'])) {
$config['init'][] = sprintf("SET time_zone = '%s'", $config['timezone']);
if (!empty($config['encoding'])) {
$config['init'][] = sprintf('SET NAMES %s', $config['encoding']);
$config['flags'] += [
PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => $config['persistent'],
if (!empty($config['ssl_key']) && !empty($config['ssl_cert'])) {
$config['flags'][PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY] = $config['ssl_key'];
$config['flags'][PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT] = $config['ssl_cert'];
if (!empty($config['ssl_ca'])) {
$config['flags'][PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA] = $config['ssl_ca'];
if (empty($config['unix_socket'])) {
$dsn = "mysql:host={$config['host']};port={$config['port']};dbname={$config['database']};charset={$config['encoding']}";
} else {
$dsn = "mysql:unix_socket={$config['unix_socket']};dbname={$config['database']}";
$this->_connect($dsn, $config);
if (!empty($config['init'])) {
$connection = $this->getConnection();
foreach ((array)$config['init'] as $command) {
return true;
* Returns whether php is able to use this driver for connecting to database
* @return bool true if it is valid to use this driver
public function enabled()
return in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers(), true);
* Prepares a sql statement to be executed
* @param string|\Cake\Database\Query $query The query to prepare.
* @return \Cake\Database\StatementInterface
public function prepare($query)
$isObject = $query instanceof Query;
$statement = $this->_connection->prepare($isObject ? $query->sql() : $query);
$result = new MysqlStatement($statement, $this);
if ($isObject && $query->isBufferedResultsEnabled() === false) {
return $result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function schema()
return $this->_config['database'];
* {@inheritDoc}
public function supportsDynamicConstraints()
return true;
* Returns true if the server supports native JSON columns
* @return bool
public function supportsNativeJson()
if ($this->_supportsNativeJson !== null) {
return $this->_supportsNativeJson;
if ($this->_version === null) {
$this->_version = $this->_connection->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION);
return $this->_supportsNativeJson = version_compare($this->_version, '5.7.0', '>=');