View file vavok-1.5.3/lang/english/installinstall.php

File size: 1.75Kb
// (c)

$lang_install = array(
"filesready" => "Are the files ready",
"htaccessexists" => "File .htaccess exists",
"htaccessnochmod" => "We don't recommend you to set editing options (CHMOD) to .htaccess file, change access rights (usually 644)",
"htaccessnotexists" => "File .htaccess doesn't exist! Please, add appropriate .htaccess file because of safety",
"writablein" => "Writting enabled in",
"yes" => "Yes",
"no" => "No",
"foldersready" => "Are the folders ready",
"folderwritable" => "Folder writable",
"filesreadyinstall" => "Files are ready,<br>you can now access the installation for the system",
"installfirststep" => "Installation: first step",
"firststepdatabase" => "First step - database",
"dataadded" => "Data successfully added",
"nextstep" => "Next step",
"secondstep" => "Second step",
"installinfo" => "This will make you register as an administrator of this website.<br>After successful registration, delete folder \"install\"",
"installresults" => "Installation results",
"installok" => "Congratulations, installation has been completed successfully. Login to see Admin panel, where you can access system settings.",
"logintosite" => "Log into site",
"siteaddressbad" => "Incorrect site address! (example http://sitename.domen)",
"bademail" => "Incorrect email address! (example [email protected])",
"badagainbass" => "Passwords don't match! It is required to repeat the same password",
"onlylatin" => "Only latin letters and numbers are allowed",
"shortuserpass" => "Your username or your password are too short",
"fillfields" => "You didn't write all of the required information! Please complete all the empty fields",
"thirdstep" => "Third step",
"inserttint" => "Inserting data in database"

$lang_home = array_merge($lang_home, $lang_install);
