View file vavok-1.5.3/lang/english/pages.php

File size: 5.67Kb
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$lang_page['avatargall'] = "Avatar gallery";
$lang_page['choose'] = "Choose";
$lang_page['curavatar'] = "Your current avatar";
$lang_page['avtravalia'] = "Total number of avatars available";
$lang_page['avtredited'] = "Avatar successfully selected!<br />Your avatar";
$lang_page['avtrurloff'] = "Avatar URL address is incorrect";
$lang_page['avtrbadname'] = "Avatar name is not allowed";
$lang_page['chavatar'] = "Choose avatar";
$lang_page['upload'] = "Upload";
$lang_page['youravatar'] = "Your current avatar";
$lang_page['avtrdesc1'] = "Attention! There are certain limits for avatar uploads<br>";
$lang_page['avtrdesc2'] = "Avatar size must be exactly 32*32 pix, and up to 10kb";
$lang_page['avtrdesc3'] = "Avatar format";
$lang_page['avtradded'] = "Avatar successfully added";
$lang_page['badfileext'] = "This file format is unallowed";
$lang_page['badsize'] = "This file size is not allowed. It must bee";
$lang_page['filemustb'] = "File size must be";
$lang_page['badextlrg'] = "File format unallowed. It must be";
$lang_page['contacts'] = "Contacts";
$lang_page['nobuddy'] = "Contacts list is empty";
$lang_page['newmsg'] = "New message";
$lang_page['addbuddy'] = "Add to contacts list";
$lang_page['crllist'] = "Clear list";
$lang_page['ignorlist'] = "Ignore list";
$lang_page['ignorempty'] = "Ignore list is empty";
$lang_page['sucadded'] = "has been successfully added to your ignore list";
$lang_page['cantadd'] = "You cannot add";
$lang_page['inignor'] = "to your ignore list";
$lang_page['deltdfrmignor'] = "has been successfully removed from your ignore list";
$lang_page['notinignor'] = "is not in your ignore list";
$lang_page['sendpmto'] = "Send message to";
$lang_page['view'] = "View";
$lang_page['all'] = "All";
$lang_page['archived'] = "Archieved";
$lang_page['unread'] = "Unread";
$lang_page['allreceivedm'] = "All received messages";
$lang_page['unarchived'] = "Unarchieved";
$lang_page['readed'] = "Read";
$lang_page['nopmsgs'] = "Your inbox is empty";
$lang_page['sendmsg'] = "Send message";
$lang_page['msgfrom'] = "Message from";
$lang_page['msgfor'] = "Message for";
$lang_page['choose'] = "Choose";
$lang_page['replymsg'] = "Reply";
$lang_page['unarchive'] = "Unarchive";
$lang_page['archive'] = "Archive";
$lang_page['report'] = "Report";
$lang_page['msgsentto'] = "Message successfully sent to";
$lang_page['msgnotsent'] = "Message has not been sent";
$lang_page['fcwaitmore'] = "Flood control: wait for";
$lang_page['seconds'] = "seconds";
$lang_page['msgreported'] = "This message has been reported to moderators and cannot be deleted";
$lang_page['msgdelok'] = "Message successfully deleted";
$lang_page['msgarchok'] = "Message successfully archived";
$lang_page['msgdearchok'] = "Message successfully dearchived";
$lang_page['msgreportok'] = "Message successfully reported to moderators";
$lang_page['msgalreareptd'] = "Message has already been reported to moderators";
$lang_page['allmsginarunr'] = "All messages except archived and unread messages have been deleted";
$lang_page['allmsgiunandard'] = "All messages except unread messages, but including archived messages, have been deleted";
$lang_page['allmsgeunrarcd'] = "All messages except reported messages, but including unread and archived messages have been deleted";
$lang_page['confreg'] = "Confirm registration";
$lang_page['wellcome'] = "Welcome";
$lang_page['confinfo'] = "To confirm your registration, you need to write the key code that has been sent to your email address";
$lang_page['key'] = "Key code";
$lang_page['actinfodel'] = "You cannot log into the site until you confirm your registration<br>You can activate your profile in 24 hours, when that time expires your profile will automatically be deleted ";
$lang_page['keyok'] = "Key code successfully confirmed, you can log into the site now";
$lang_page['keynotok'] = "Key code incorrect, please check the key you entered";
$lang_page['nokey'] = "You didn't write any key code";
$lang_page['ycsavelink'] = "You can save link for automatic loging in, which looks like";
$lang_page['usernamebig'] = "USERNAME";
$lang_page['passbig'] = "PASSWORD";
$lang_page['maintenance'] = "<h1>Maintenance</h1>Site is temporarily down because of one of the following reasons:<br>1. Site maintenance<br>2. Creation of backup copy<br><br>Thanks for your understanding";
$lang_page['whoisonline'] = "Who is online";
$lang_page['totonsite'] = "Total on site";
$lang_page['registered'] = "Registered";
$lang_page['noregd'] = "There is no registered users online";
$lang_page['page'] = "Page";
$lang_page['showguest'] = "Show guests";
$lang_page['hideguest'] = "Hide guests";
$lang_page['whereareusr'] = "Where are users?";
$lang_page['hidden'] = "Hidden";
$lang_page['homepage'] = "Homepage";
$lang_page['membrsonsite'] = "Members on site";
$lang_page['pgviewoff'] = "Access to this page is disabled";
$lang_page['visits'] = "Visits";
$lang_page['totsmiles'] = "Total smiles";
$lang_page['statistic'] = "Statistics";
$lang_page['comminforum'] = "Comments in forum";
$lang_page['topicinforum'] = "Topics in forum";
$lang_page['sitenews'] = "Site news";
$lang_page['sitenewscomm'] = "Comments in site news";
$lang_page['bannedip'] = "Banned IP addresses";
$lang_page['regusers'] = "Registered users";
$lang_page['hello'] = "Hello";
$lang_page['userlist'] = "User list";
$lang_page['minago'] = "min. ago";
$lang_page['hourago'] = "hour/s ago";
$lang_page['daysago'] = "day/s ago";
$lang_page['hidden'] = "Hidden";
$lang_page['where'] = "Where";
$lang_page['vstdpages'] = "Visited pages";
$lang_page['updprof'] = "Update profile";
$lang_page['settings'] = "Settings";
$lang_page['mailoruser'] = "E-mail or username";
$lang_page['registerHere'] = 'You don\'t have an account yet? Register here';

$lang_home = array_merge($lang_home, $lang_page);
