* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* @link https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
namespace Cake\Database\Statement;
use Cake\Database\DriverInterface;
use Cake\Database\StatementInterface;
use Cake\Database\TypeConverterTrait;
use Countable;
use IteratorAggregate;
* Represents a database statement. Statements contains queries that can be
* executed multiple times by binding different values on each call. This class
* also helps convert values to their valid representation for the corresponding
* types.
* This class is but a decorator of an actual statement implementation, such as
* PDOStatement.
* @property-read string $queryString
class StatementDecorator implements StatementInterface, Countable, IteratorAggregate
use TypeConverterTrait;
* Statement instance implementation, such as PDOStatement
* or any other custom implementation.
* @var \Cake\Database\StatementInterface
protected $_statement;
* Reference to the driver object associated to this statement.
* @var \Cake\Database\DriverInterface
protected $_driver;
* Whether or not this statement has already been executed
* @var bool
protected $_hasExecuted = false;
* Constructor
* @param \Cake\Database\StatementInterface $statement Statement implementation
* such as PDOStatement.
* @param \Cake\Database\DriverInterface $driver Driver instance
public function __construct(StatementInterface $statement, DriverInterface $driver)
$this->_statement = $statement;
$this->_driver = $driver;
* Magic getter to return $queryString as read-only.
* @param string $property internal property to get
* @return mixed
public function __get(string $property)
if ($property === 'queryString') {
/** @psalm-suppress NoInterfaceProperties */
return $this->_statement->queryString;
* Assign a value to a positional or named variable in prepared query. If using
* positional variables you need to start with index one, if using named params then
* just use the name in any order.
* It is not allowed to combine positional and named variables in the same statement.
* ### Examples:
* ```
* $statement->bindValue(1, 'a title');
* $statement->bindValue('active', true, 'boolean');
* $statement->bindValue(5, new \DateTime(), 'date');
* ```
* @param string|int $column name or param position to be bound
* @param mixed $value The value to bind to variable in query
* @param string|int|null $type name of configured Type class
* @return void
public function bindValue($column, $value, $type = 'string'): void
$this->_statement->bindValue($column, $value, $type);
* Closes a cursor in the database, freeing up any resources and memory
* allocated to it. In most cases you don't need to call this method, as it is
* automatically called after fetching all results from the result set.
* @return void
public function closeCursor(): void
* Returns the number of columns this statement's results will contain.
* ### Example:
* ```
* $statement = $connection->prepare('SELECT id, title from articles');
* $statement->execute();
* echo $statement->columnCount(); // outputs 2
* ```
* @return int
public function columnCount(): int
return $this->_statement->columnCount();
* Returns the error code for the last error that occurred when executing this statement.
* @return int|string
public function errorCode()
return $this->_statement->errorCode();
* Returns the error information for the last error that occurred when executing
* this statement.
* @return array
public function errorInfo(): array
return $this->_statement->errorInfo();
* Executes the statement by sending the SQL query to the database. It can optionally
* take an array or arguments to be bound to the query variables. Please note
* that binding parameters from this method will not perform any custom type conversion
* as it would normally happen when calling `bindValue`.
* @param array|null $params list of values to be bound to query
* @return bool true on success, false otherwise
public function execute(?array $params = null): bool
$this->_hasExecuted = true;
return $this->_statement->execute($params);
* Returns the next row for the result set after executing this statement.
* Rows can be fetched to contain columns as names or positions. If no
* rows are left in result set, this method will return false.
* ### Example:
* ```
* $statement = $connection->prepare('SELECT id, title from articles');
* $statement->execute();
* print_r($statement->fetch('assoc')); // will show ['id' => 1, 'title' => 'a title']
* ```
* @param string|int $type 'num' for positional columns, assoc for named columns
* @return mixed Result array containing columns and values or false if no results
* are left
public function fetch($type = self::FETCH_TYPE_NUM)
return $this->_statement->fetch($type);
* Returns the next row in a result set as an associative array. Calling this function is the same as calling
* $statement->fetch(StatementDecorator::FETCH_TYPE_ASSOC). If no results are found false is returned.
* @return array Result array containing columns and values an an associative array or an empty array if no results
public function fetchAssoc(): array
$result = $this->fetch(static::FETCH_TYPE_ASSOC);
return $result ?: [];
* Returns the value of the result at position.
* @param int $position The numeric position of the column to retrieve in the result
* @return mixed Returns the specific value of the column designated at $position
public function fetchColumn(int $position)
$result = $this->fetch(static::FETCH_TYPE_NUM);
if ($result && isset($result[$position])) {
return $result[$position];
return false;
* Returns an array with all rows resulting from executing this statement.
* ### Example:
* ```
* $statement = $connection->prepare('SELECT id, title from articles');
* $statement->execute();
* print_r($statement->fetchAll('assoc')); // will show [0 => ['id' => 1, 'title' => 'a title']]
* ```
* @param string|int $type num for fetching columns as positional keys or assoc for column names as keys
* @return array|false List of all results from database for this statement. False on failure.
public function fetchAll($type = self::FETCH_TYPE_NUM)
return $this->_statement->fetchAll($type);
* Returns the number of rows affected by this SQL statement.
* ### Example:
* ```
* $statement = $connection->prepare('SELECT id, title from articles');
* $statement->execute();
* print_r($statement->rowCount()); // will show 1
* ```
* @return int
public function rowCount(): int
return $this->_statement->rowCount();
* Statements are iterable as arrays, this method will return
* the iterator object for traversing all items in the result.
* ### Example:
* ```
* $statement = $connection->prepare('SELECT id, title from articles');
* foreach ($statement as $row) {
* //do stuff
* }
* ```
* @return \Cake\Database\StatementInterface
* @psalm-suppress ImplementedReturnTypeMismatch
public function getIterator()
if (!$this->_hasExecuted) {
return $this->_statement;
* Statements can be passed as argument for count() to return the number
* for affected rows from last execution.
* @return int
public function count(): int
return $this->rowCount();
* Binds a set of values to statement object with corresponding type.
* @param array $params list of values to be bound
* @param array $types list of types to be used, keys should match those in $params
* @return void
public function bind(array $params, array $types): void
if (empty($params)) {
$anonymousParams = is_int(key($params)) ? true : false;
$offset = 1;
foreach ($params as $index => $value) {
$type = null;
if (isset($types[$index])) {
$type = $types[$index];
if ($anonymousParams) {
/** @psalm-suppress InvalidOperand */
$index += $offset;
/** @psalm-suppress InvalidScalarArgument */
$this->bindValue($index, $value, $type);
* Returns the latest primary inserted using this statement.
* @param string|null $table table name or sequence to get last insert value from
* @param string|null $column the name of the column representing the primary key
* @return string|int
public function lastInsertId(?string $table = null, ?string $column = null)
if ($column && $this->columnCount()) {
$row = $this->fetch(static::FETCH_TYPE_ASSOC);
if ($row && isset($row[$column])) {
return $row[$column];
return $this->_driver->lastInsertId($table, $column);
* Returns the statement object that was decorated by this class.
* @return \Cake\Database\StatementInterface
public function getInnerStatement()
return $this->_statement;