Просмотр файла modules/downloads/helpers/downloads_widget.php

Размер файла: 3.23Kb
 * Ant0ha's project
 * @package
 * @author Anton Pisarenko <[email protected]>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010, Anton Pisarenko
 * @license http://ant0ha.ru/license.txt
 * @link http://ant0ha.ru

defined('IN_SYSTEM') or die('<b>403<br />Запрет доступа!</b>');


 * Виджет загрузок
class downloads_widget {
	* Показ виджета
	public static function display($widget_id) {
		$db =& $GLOBALS['db'];
		$widget = $db->get_row("SELECT * FROM #__index_page_widgets WHERE widget_id = $widget_id");
		$config = parse_ini_string($widget['config']);
		if(!is_numeric($config['directory_id'])) return 'Виджет '. $widget['title'] .' не настроен, либо настроен не верно!<br />';

		# Получаем количество файлов в папке
		$files = $db->get_row("SELECT
			(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__downloads_files WHERE ". ($config['directory_id'] != 0 ? "path_to_file LIKE '%/". $config['directory_id'] ."/%' AND" : "") ." real_name != '' AND status = 'active') AS all_files,
			(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__downloads_files WHERE ". ($config['directory_id'] != 0 ? "path_to_file LIKE '%/". $config['directory_id'] ."/%' AND" : "") ." real_name != '' AND time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 3600 * 24 AND status = 'active') AS new_day
        return '<img src="'. URL .'views/'. THEME .'/img/icon.png" alt="" /> <a href="'. URL . 'downloads/'. $config['directory_id'] .'">'. $config['directory_name'] .'</a> <span class="small_text">['. $files['all_files'] .']</span>'. ($files['new_day'] > 0 ? ' <span style="font-size: 11px; color: red;">+'. $files['new_day'] .'</span>' : '') .'<br />';

	* Настройка виджета
	public static function setup($widget) {
		$db =& $GLOBALS['db'];
		$tpl =& $GLOBALS['controller']->tpl;

		if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
			if($_POST['directory_id'] != 0 && !$directory = $db->get_row("SELECT directory_id, name FROM #__downloads_directories WHERE directory_id = '". intval($_POST['directory_id']) ."'")) {
				$error .= 'Папка не найдена!<br />';

			if(!$error) {
				if($_POST['directory_id'] == 0) $directory = array(
					'directory_id' => 0,
					'name' => 'Загрузки'

				$config  = 'directory_id = "'. $directory['directory_id'] .'"'. PHP_EOL;
				$config .= 'directory_name = "'. a_safe($directory['name']) .'"';

            	$db->query("UPDATE #__index_page_widgets SET
            		config = '$config'
            		WHERE widget_id = '". $widget['widget_id'] ."'

            	a_notice('Изменения сохранены', a_url('index_page/admin'));
		if(!isset($_POST['submit']) OR $error) {
			$config = parse_ini_string($widget['config']);

			$form_data = '
				<label>ID папки (укажите 0 если хотите сослаться на модуль "Загрузки"):</label>
				<input name="directory_id" type="text" value="'. $config['directory_id'] .'">

        		'form_data' => $form_data,
        		'error' => $error
