Просмотр файла vavok-1.5.3/lang/english/adminpanel.php

Размер файла: 7.88Kb
// (c) vavok.net

$lang_admin = array(
'newver' => "New version is now available",
'hnewver' => "You are running the latest version available",
'admchat' => "Admin chat",
'chatmod' => "Chat control",
'bookmod' => "Guestbook control",
'modlist' => "Administration",
'notconf' => "Unconfirmed registrations",
'usrcomp' => "User appeals",
'forumcat' => "Forum category",
'forums' => "Subforums",
'banunban' => "Ban/unban",
'banlist' => "List of banned users",
'sitenews' => "Site news",
'gallery' => "Site gallery",
'pools' => "Polls",
'badword' => "Badword system",
'upload' => "Upload files",
'syssets' => "System settings",
'mngprof' => "Profile management",
'ipbanp' => "IP ban panel",
'subscriptions' => "News subscriptions",
'chksystem' => "System check",
'logcheck' => "Log files",
'cleansys' => "System cleaning",
'backup' => "Backup copy",
'mngpage' => "Pages management",
'cleanusers' => "Users cleanup",
'cleanmodlog' => "Clean ModLog",
'mlogcleaned' => "ModLog cleaned",
'banning' => "Banning",
'chooseuser' => "Username",
'lastban' => "Last ban",
'noauthtoban' => "You don't have sufficient rights to ban users<br />Only administrators and moderators can ban other users",
'myprofile' => "Edit your profile",
'banduration' => "Ban duration",
'minutes' => "minutes",
'hours' => "hours",
'days' => "days",
'maxbantime' => "Maximum ban time",
'bandesc' => "Reason for ban",
'bandesc1' => "Please state reason for banning the user",
'confban' => "User is banned! The account is suspended!",
'bandate' => "Ban date",
'banend' => "Time until ban ends",
'delban' => "Remove ban",
'usrnoexist' => "Username does not exist",
'nousername' => "No username written",
'noreason' => "You didn't state the reason for ban",
'maxbantimeare' => "Maximum ban time is", 
'nobantime' => "You didn,t write ban duration",
'usrdata' => "User data", 
'edited' => "successfully edited",
'changeotheruser' => "Edit another user",
'usrdeleted' => "User profile successfully deleted",
'adminchat' => "Admin chat", // similar to 'admchat']
'delacmsgs' => "You wish to delete all messages from admin chat",
'yessure' => "Yes, I am sure",
'cleanchat' => "Clean chat",
'adminlistl' => "List of administrators and moderators",
'badwordmng' => "Badword system control", 
'newbadwordok' => "New word successfully added",
'newbadworddel' => "Word successfully removed",
'newword' => "New word",
'clicktodel' => "If you wish to remove any word, it is sufficient to just click on it",
'delallsub' => "Are you sure you want to delete all site news subscriptions",
'subscribed' => "Subscribed",
'allsubs' => "Number of subscribers",
'chfile' => "Choose file",
'bigfile' => "File size too large",
'fileexists' => "File with same name already exists",
'filesadded' => "Files successfully added",
'fileaddress' => "File address",
'setbackup' => "Set",
'nobackup' => "You do not have any file backups",
'newbackup' => "Create backup",
'confset' => "Are you sure you want to set this backup",
'zipdata' => "Data from archives",
'sadded' => "Successfully set",
'bkpfile' => "Backup file",
'bkpdesc' => "You can upload archieves with .zip extension<br />Maximum size of uploaded archive depends on available server space",
'notback' => "This is not a backup file",
'addedok' => "is successfully added",
'emptylist' => "List is empty",
'iptoblock' => "IP of violent user",
'ipbanexam' => "Example:<br>or 127.0.0.* , 127.0.*.* , all IP addresses from that range will be blocked.<br />IP ban blocks acces to all site sections. Many users from mobile networks share the same IP address.",
'allbanips' => "Number of banned IP addresses",
'dellist' => "Clean the list",
'reply' => "Reply",
'emptybook' => "Guestbook is empty",
'clarbook' => "Clear the guestbook",
'alrereply' => "You already replied to this message",
'editngmsg' => "Edit message",
'delusrfrom' => "Delete users that haven't visited this site for longer than",
'years' => "years",
'months' => "months",
'analyse' => "Analyse",
'totusers' => "Total users",
'confdelusr' => "Are you sure you wish to delete users who didn't visit this site for more than",
'days' => "days",
'willdel' => "Will be deleted",
'usrsfrom' => "users from",
'allusrsvisit' => "All users have visited this site in last",
'allinactdel' => "All users who haven't visited this site for more than",
'deltdfromdb' => "Successfully deleted from database",
'dltdusers' => "Total users deleted",
'nodeloldusr' => "Users aren't deleted because they have visited this site in last",
'nodaynum' => "You haven't selected number of days",
'err404' => "Error 404 - file does not exist",
'other' => "Other",
'err401' => "Error 401 - You do not have sufficient rights to view the selected document.",
'err402' => "Error 402 - Unrecognised request code.",
'err403' => "Error 403 - Request not allowed",
'err406' => "Error 406 - An appropriate representation of the requested resource",
'err500' => "Error 500 - Internal server error",
'err502' => "Error 502 - inadequate response from other server",
'noentry' => "No entry",
'delaboerr' => "Delete the error details",
'delallerdata' => "Delete data about all the errors",
'handle' => "Handle",
'viewtopic' => "View topic",
'checksys' => "System check",
'file' => "File",
'exist' => "exists",
'wrhtacc' => "It is not recommended to give write access rights (CHMOD) to .htaccess file because that would allow file edit.<br />It is recommended to set the access rights (CHMOD) so the file cannot be edited (usually 444)",
'warning' => "Warning",
'noexist' => "doesn't exist",
'filecheck' => "File check",
'filewrit' => "Input enabled",
'filenowrit' => "Input disabled",
'hello' => "Hello",
'sitemod' => "Site moderator",
'confirmedreg' => "has confirmed your registration",
'youcanlog' => "You can now log in",
'bye' => "Goodbye",
'notconfirmed' => "Not confirmed",
'confirms' => "confirm",
'emptyunconf' => "There are no unconfirmed registrations",
'uncomfreg' => "Unconfirmed registrations",
'sitestats' => "Site stats",
'visitstats' => "Visit statistics",
'usronline' => "Users online",
'filessize' => "Size of all files",
'checkdirs' => "Directories check",
'dirsize' => "Directory size",
'dirempty' => "Directory is empty",
'folder' => "Directory",
'chchmod' => "Change CHMOD",
'chmodok' => "CHMOD successfully changed",
'chmodnotok' => "CHMOD change not successful",
'noneededdata' => "required data is missing",
'showdata' => "Show data",
'usrprofile' => "User profile",
'accesslevel' => "Access level",
'newpassinfo' => "New password  (Leave this field empty unless you want to change)",
'city' => "City",
'aboutyou' => "About you",
'site' => "Site",
'regdate' => "Date of registration",
'browser' => "Browser",
'name' => "Name",
'perstatus' => "Status",
'avatar' => "Avatar",
'notsubed' => "Not subscribed",
'notactivated' => "Account is not activated",
'numbbans' => "Number of bans",
'lastvst' => "Last visit",
'deluser' => "Delete user",
'usrdataupd' => "User data successfully edited",
'passchanged' => "You have changed the user password!<br />Don't forget to inform this user that his new password is",
'urlnotok' => "Url address incorrect",
'emailnotok' => "Email address has been written incorrectly!<br>It's format has to be [email protected]",
'confusrdel' => "Confirm you want to delete user profile",
'noaccessdel' => "You do not have sufficient rights to delete this user profile",
'sysmng' => "System management",
'noauthtoedit' => "You don't have sufficient rights to edit this user <br />Only administrators and moderators can edit users",
'userlist' => "User List",
'uplFiles' => "Uploaded Files", // list of uploaded files
'onlyFullVerFile' => "This file is available only in full version", // file content/functions are available only in full version
'confUnBan' => "Ban has been removed!",
'customPageUrl' => "Your custom page address. Example: <em>https://{<strong>your_custom_page_directory</strong>}/new-page/</em>",
'allowUnicodeUrl' => "Allow Unicode characters in URL",
'pageStructure' => "Page structure",
'new-page' => "new-page"

$lang_home = array_merge($lang_home, $lang_admin);