<?php return array (
'domain' => 'library',
'plural-forms' => 'nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);',
'messages' =>
array (
'' =>
array (
'The list is empty' => 'Ro\'yhat bo\'sh',
'Write Article' => 'Maqola yozish',
'You cannot add the Article so often<br>Please, wait %d sec.' => 'Siz maqolani juda tez qo\'sha olmaysiz<br> iltimos %d sekund kutib turing.',
'You have not entered the name' => 'Maqola sarlavhasini kiritmadingiz',
'The file is invalid encoding, preferably UTF-8' => 'Fayl noto\'g\'ri ko\'dlangan, UTF-8 yaxshiroq',
'Error uploading' => 'Faylni yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi',
'Invalid file format allowed * .txt' => 'Fayl formati noto\'g\'ri, mumkin bo\'lgan format .txt',
'You have not entered text' => 'Maqola matnini kiritmadingiz',
'Photo uploading error' => 'Rasm yuklashda xatolik chiqdi, iltimos qaytadan tekshiring',
'Access forbidden' => 'Ruxsat yo\'q',
'Comments' => 'Sharxlar',
'Wrong data' => 'Malumotlar to\'g\'ri emas',
'Delete' => 'O\'chirish',
'Section does not exist' => 'Bo\'lim mavjud emas',
'Successfully deleted:<br>Directories: (%d)<br>Articles: (%d)<br>Tags: (%d)<br>Comments: (%d)<br>Images: (%d)' => 'Muvaffaqiyatli o\'chirildi: <br> (%d) <br> Bo\'lim: (%d)<br>Teglar: (%d)<br>Sharxlar:(%d)<br>Tasvirlar:(%d)',
'Articles do not exist' => 'Maqola mavjud emas',
'Author name' => 'Muallif nomi',
'Author last name' => 'Muallif Otasining ismi',
'Name of the book' => 'Kitob nomi',
'Date' => 'Sana',
'Latest comments' => 'So\'ngi sharxlar',
'Create Section' => 'Bo\'lim yatarish',
'Repeat' => 'Takrorlash',
'The ROOT' => 'Ildiz',
'Edit Section' => 'Tahrirlash',
'Edit Article' => 'Maqolani tahrirlash',
'New Articles' => 'Yangi maqolalar',
'Search' => 'Qidiruv',
'Sorted by alphabetical' => 'Alifbo tartibida saralash',
'Sorted by relevance' => 'Ommabop',
'Tags' => 'Teglar',
'Rating articles' => 'Maqolalar reytingi',
'Most readings' => 'Ko\'p o\'qilgan',
'By rating' => 'Reyting bo\'yicha',
'By comments' => 'Sharx bo\'yicha',
'Library' => 'Kutubxona',
'Library is closed' => 'Kutubxona yopiq',
'Article added' => 'Maqola qo\'shildi',
'To Article' => 'Maqolaga',
'Thank you for what we have written. After checking moderated, your Article will be published in the library.' => 'Maqolangiz uchun rahmat. Mo\'derator tekshiruvidan so\'ng maqolangiz kutubxonada chop etiladi.',
'To Section' => 'Bo\'limlarga',
'Title' => 'Sarlavha',
'Announce' => 'Lavha',
'Text' => 'Matn',
'Commenting on the Article' => 'Maqolani sharxlash',
'To upload a photo' => 'Fotosuratni yuklash uchun',
'Select the text file' => 'Matn faylini tanlang',
'Text entry field will be ignored' => 'Majburiy emas',
'Save' => 'Saqlash',
'Cancel' => 'Bekor qilish',
'Download file' => 'Yuklab olish',
'The Tags:' => 'Teglar',
'Who added:' => 'Qo\'shdi',
'Rating:' => 'Reyting',
'Number of readings:' => 'O\'qilgan',
'Comments:' => 'Sharxlar',
'Edit' => 'Tahrirlash',
'Author:' => 'Muallif',
'Total' => 'Jami',
'Successful transfer' => 'Muvaffaqqiyatli o\'tkazidi',
'Back' => 'Ortga',
'Are you sure you want to move the contents?' => 'Siz rostdan ham tanlangan mavzularni ko\'chirmoqchimisiz?',
'Move' => 'Ko\'chirish',
'Move to Section' => 'Bo\'limga o\'tish',
'Approve' => 'Tastiqlash',
'There are no Sections for moving' => 'Ko\'chirish uchun bo\'limlar yo\'q',
'Are you sure you want to delete content?' => 'Siz rostdan ham tanlangan mavzularni ko\'chirmoqchimisiz?',
'Section is not empty' => 'Bo\'lim bo\'sh emas',
'Select action' => 'Amalni tanlang',
'Delete with movement' => 'Ko\'chirish bilan o\'chirish',
'Delete all Sections and Articles' => 'Barcha bo\'limlar va maqolalarni o\'chirish',
'Do' => 'Jo\'natish',
'Delete confirmation' => 'O\'chirishni tasdiqlash',
'Deleted' => 'O\'chirildi',
'Select a rating:' => 'Maqolani baholang',
'Vote' => 'Ovoz berish',
'Up' => 'Yuqoriga',
'Down' => 'Pastga',
'Section created' => 'Bo\'lim yaratildi',
'Section description' => 'Bo\'lim haqida',
'Section type' => 'Bo\'lim turi',
'Articles' => 'Maqolalar',
'Sections' => 'Bo\'limlar',
'Changed' => 'O\'zgartirildi',
'The text of the Article can not be edited, a large amount of data !!!' => 'Maqola matnini tahrirlab bo\'lmaydi, ma\'lumotlar katta miqdorda',
'Allow users to add their Articles?' => 'Foydalanuvchilar maqola kirita olsinmi?',
'Yes' => 'Ha',
'No' => 'Yo\'q',
'Verified' => 'Tekshirildi',
'Number of readings' => 'O\'qilgan',
'Section:' => 'Bo\'lim:',
'To Library' => 'Kutubxona',
'Moderation Articles' => 'Tekshiruvdagi Maqolalar',
'All Articles added in database' => 'Barcha Maqolalar malumotlar bazasi qo\'shilgan',
'Article' => 'Maqola',
'Added to the database' => 'Malumotlar bazasi qo\'shilgan',
'Approve all' => 'Barchasini tasdiqlash',
'Search query' => 'Qidiruv so\'rovi',
'Search in titles Articles' => 'Maqola matni bo\'yicha',
'Length of query: 4 min 64 max<br>Search is case-insensitive letters<br>Results are sorted by relevance' => 'So\'rov uzunligi: maks64,min 4 <br>katta-kichik harflar farqlanmaydi<br>Natijalar eng kop o\'qilganlar bo\'yicha saralanadi.',
'New Search' => 'Yangi qidiruv',
'Create' => 'Yaratish',
'Tag Cloud' => 'Teglar buluti',
'Sort' => 'Saralash',