Fashon Modul RotorCMS

1. KareelKun (02.08.2011 / 19:08)
I have made some modules for
RotorCMS. Module customized
for the user wap and features
resemble popular social
networking sites m.facebook.
Some modules also contained
the admin panel like smiles,
load import and others. About
security is assured and does
not damage the module
license. Modules are written in
Indonesian / English. All
modules are supplied free of
charge or for free. As a sign of
gratitude to send money via
paypal as I can. are you

2. Вантуз-мен (02.08.2011 / 19:14)
if it complimentary modules that sent them to visavi.net[at]mail.ru, or add them here http://visavi.net/load/add.php?

3. Удаленный (02.08.2011 / 19:22)
Author, out here or via upwap.ru, cast a spell.) (Спасибо Google)D

4. XoPyC (02.08.2011 / 21:17)
Локализацию уже делайте, фиг поймешь вашsmile

5. hugo (05.08.2011 / 18:04)
Vantuz (3 Августа 2011 / 02:14)
if it complimentary modules that sent them to visavi.net[at]mail.ru, or add them here http://visavi.net/load/add.php?
why don't have any more version for rotorcms free?

6. Zдешний (05.08.2011 / 21:32)
hugo (5 Августа 2011 / 20:04)
why don't have any more version for rotorcms free?
Everyone wants more money

7. hugo (06.08.2011 / 10:19)
Zдешний (6 Августа 2011 / 04:32)
Everyone wants more money
oh. But money is not all

8. KareelKun (21.08.2011 / 17:48)
Mobile Social Network from RotorCMS visit in mobile phone http://m.funylog.com

URL: https://visavi.net/topics/23754