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	<TITLE>admin-Login-Only - Description - Software Powers the Net -</TITLE>

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		<meta name="description" content="This page describes the software product called admin-Login-Only. Use this software to easily protect any web page with a single PHP session.">
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Admin-Login-Only software lets you easily add password protected pages to your website using 
just PHP. A database is NOT needed. Works on any web server with PHP 4.1.2 or higher. 
Admin-Login-Only uses PHP sessions. Log in once with a username and password, then 
browse any combination of protected or open pages - then return to a protected page 
without having to log in again. Useful for control panel or administration page/s you want to protect. 
Easily change the single password. Add or remove pages under "Admin-Login-Only" protection 
by adding <b>just one line of code!</b> Log Out with a mouseclick. Session is destroyed on logout. 
No knowledege of PHP necessary. 

<a href="setup.html">Complete instructions</a> and all necessary files included.


<p>Requires PHP4.1.2 or higher</p>


<p><a href="setup.html">Read the setup instructions.</a></p>