View file forum.php

File size: 11.54Kb

	require_once 'sys/inc/core.php';

if(ID > 0 && $db -> one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forums` WHERE `id` = '".ID."' AND `level` <= '".USER_LEVEL."'") == 0)locate(PATH.'index.php');

$forum_info = $db -> fetch("SELECT * FROM `forums` WHERE `id` = '".ID."'");

$template -> forum_id = ID;
$template -> forum_name = $forum_info['name'];
$template -> forum_description = $forum_info['description'];

show_title($forum_info['name'], $forum_info['name']);

	// просмотр тем

	$count_topics = $db -> one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `topics` WHERE `fid` = '".ID."' AND `level` <= '".USER_LEVEL."'");
	if($count_topics > 0)

		// авто координация
		if($forum_info['count_topics'] != $count_topics)$db -> sql("UPDATE `forums` SET `count_topics` = '$count_topics' WHERE `id` = '".ID."' AND `level` <= '".USER_LEVEL."'");

		check_page($count_topics, PATH.'forum'.ID.'/page{$page}/', ONPAGE_TOPICS);

		$template_topics = array();

				while($topic = $db -> fetch("SELECT *, (SELECT `date` FROM `topics_views` WHERE `tid` = `topics`.`id` AND `user_id` = '".USER_ID."') AS `view_date` FROM `topics` WHERE `fid` = '".ID."' ORDER BY `top` DESC, IF (`last_date` = 0, `date`, `last_date`) DESC LIMIT ".START_TOPICS.",".ONPAGE_TOPICS))
			$i ++;

			$topic_icons = show_topic_icons($topic);

			$template_topic = array('id' => $topic['id'], 'name' => $topic['name'], 'icons' => $topic_icons, 'user' => get_user(!empty($topic['last_user_id']) ? $topic['last_user_id'] : $topic['user_id']), 'date' => xdate(!empty($topic['last_date']) ? $topic['last_date'] : $topic['date']), 'count_posts' => $topic['count_posts'], 'i' => $i);

			$template_topics[] = $template_topic;

		$template -> assign('topics', $template_topics);

		pagebar($str, PAGE, PATH.'forum'.ID.'/page{$page}/');

		// авто координация
		if($forum_info['count_posts'] != 0)$db -> sql("UPDATE `forums` SET `count_posts` = 0 WHERE `id` = '".ID."'");

	$template -> forum_level = $forum_info['level'];
	$template -> forum_level_topics = $forum_info['level_topics'];
	$template -> forum_counter_posts = (bool)$forum_info['counter_posts'];
	$template -> forum_counter_topics = (bool)$forum_info['counter_topics'];

	$template -> block = 'index';

	case 'newtopic':
	// создание топика


	// уровень мал
	if($forum_info['level_topics'] > USER_LEVEL)err('Вы не можете создаваь темы в этом форуме', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/');

	// еще не прошло время молчалки
	if((TIME - $userdata['date_reg']) < $cfg['time_silence'])err('Вы пока не можете общаться на форуме.', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/');

	// если забанен
	if($db -> one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users_punishes` WHERE `user_id` = '".USER_ID."' AND `to_date` > '".TIME."' AND `ban` = '1'") > 0)err('Вы забанены', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/');

	if($cfg['time_antispam_topics'] > 0 && USER_LEVEL < USER_ADMIN)
		if(($last_topic = $db -> one("SELECT MAX(`date`) FROM `topics` WHERE `user_id` = '".USER_ID."'")) > 0)
			if((TIME - $last_topic) < $cfg['time_antispam_topics'])
				err('Нельзя так часто создавать темы', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/');

		check_fields(PATH.'forum'.ID.'/newtopic/', array(array('topic_name', 'not null', 'minlen' => 5, 'maxlen' => 100), array('topic_post', 'not null', 'minlen' => 2, 'maxlen' => $cfg['maxlen_post'])));

		$topic_name = str($_POST['topic_name']);
		$topic_post = str($_POST['topic_post']);

		$add_topics = $add_posts = 0;

		if($db -> sql("INSERT INTO `topics` SET `fid` = '".ID."', `name` = '$topic_name', `user_id` = '".USER_ID."', `date` = '".TIME."', `count_posts` = '0', `open` = '1', `level` = '0', `level_posts` = '1'"))
			$add_topics ++;

			$topic_id = $db -> last_id();

			if($db -> sql("INSERT INTO `posts` SET `tid` = '$topic_id', `fid` = '".ID."', `user_id` = '".USER_ID."', `date` = '".TIME."', `ip` = '".MY_INT_IP."', `ua` = '".MY_UA."'"))
				$add_posts ++;

				$post_id = $db -> last_id();
				if($db -> sql("INSERT INTO `posts_text` SET `pid` = '$post_id', `text` = '$topic_post'"))
					$show_on_pages = postval('post_on_pages', 1) ? 1 : 0;
					$db -> sql("UPDATE `topics` SET `first_post` = '$post_id', `first_post_on_pages` = '$show_on_pages' WHERE `id` = '$topic_id'");
					$db -> sql("UPDATE `forums` SET `count_topics` = `count_topics` + '$add_topics', `count_posts` = `count_posts` + '$add_posts' WHERE `id` = '".ID."'");
					msg('Тема &quot;'.$topic_name.'&quot; создана', PATH.'topic'.$topic_id.'/');
					$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = '$topic_id'");
					$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `posts` WHERE `id` = '$post_id'");
					err('Ошибка', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/newtopic/');
				$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = '$topic_id'");
				err('Ошибка', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/newtopic/');

			err('Ошибка', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/newtopic/');


	$template -> page_zag = 'Создание темы';

	$template -> block = 'newtopic';

	case 'edit':
	// изменение форума


	if(postval('edit', 1))
		check_fields(PATH.'forum'.ID.'/', array(array('forum_name', 'not null', 'maxlen' => 50), array('forum_description', 'maxlen' => 250), array('level', 'values' => array('0', '1', '2', '3'))));

		$forum_name = str($_POST['forum_name']);
		$forum_description = str($_POST['forum_description']);
		$forum_counter_posts = postval('counter_posts');
		$forum_counter_topics = postval('counter_topics');

		if(xtolower($forum_name) != xtolower($forum_info['name']) && $db -> one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forums` WHERE `name` = '$forum_name'") > 0)
			err('Форум &quot;'.$forum_name.'&quot; уже существует', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/');

		// обновляем кэш форума
		$count_topics = $db -> one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `topics` WHERE `fid` = '".ID."'");
		$count_posts = $db -> one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE `fid` = '".ID."' AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `topics` WHERE `topics`.`first_post` = `posts`.`id`) = 0");

		$level = int($_POST['level']);
		$level_topics = int($_POST['level_topics']);

		if($db -> sql("UPDATE `forums` SET `name` = '$forum_name', `description` = '$forum_description', `count_topics` = '$count_topics', `count_posts` = '$count_posts', `level` = '$level', `level_topics` = '$level_topics', `counter_posts` = '$forum_counter_posts', `counter_topics` = '$forum_counter_topics' WHERE `id` = '".ID."'"))

			// обновляем кэш тем
			$db -> sql("UPDATE `topics` SET `count_posts` = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`tid` = `topics`.`id` AND `posts`.`id` != `topics`.`first_post`)  WHERE `fid` = '".ID."'");

			msg('Форум &quot;'.$forum_name.'&quot; изменен', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/');
			err('Ошибка', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/');


	$template -> page_zag = 'Изменение форума';

	$template -> level = $forum_info['level'];
	$template -> level_topics= $forum_info['level_topics'];
	$template -> counter_posts = (bool)$forum_info['counter_posts'];
	$template -> counter_topics = (bool)$forum_info['counter_topics'];

	$template -> block = 'edit';

	case 'del':
	// удаление форума

	if(postval('del', 1))
		$into_forum = (!empty($_POST['into_forum']) && int($_POST['into_forum']) > 0) ? int($_POST['into_forum']) : false;

		if($into_forum != false && $db -> one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forums` WHERE `id` = '$into_forum'") == 0)err('Форум не выбран', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

		// переносим данные
		if($into_forum != false)
			// сначала посты
			if(!$db -> sql("UPDATE `posts` SET `fid` = '$into_forum' WHERE `fid` = '".ID."'"))
				err('Ошибка при переносе сообщений', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

			// затем темы
			if(!$db -> sql("UPDATE `topics` SET `fid` = '$into_forum' WHERE `fid` = '".ID."'"))
				err('Ошибка при переносе тем', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

		// удаляем данные

			// тексты постов
			if(!$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `posts_text` WHERE (SELECT `fid` FROM `posts` WHERE `id` = `posts_text`.`pid`) = '".ID."'"))
				err('Ошибка при удалении текстов постов', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

			// посты
			if(!$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `posts` WHERE `fid` = '".ID."'"))
				err('Ошибка при удалении сообщений', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

			// логи тем
			if(!$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `topics_logs` WHERE (SELECT `fid` FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = `topics_logs`.`tid`) = '".ID."'"))
				err('Ошибка при удалении логов тем', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

			// логи просмотров тем
			if(!$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `topics_views` WHERE (SELECT `tid` FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = `topics_views`.`tid`) = '".ID."'"))
				err('Ошибка при удалении логов просмотров тем', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

			// закладки тем
			if(!$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `topics_bookmarks` WHERE (SELECT `tid` FROM `topics` WHERE `id` = `topics_bookmarks`.`tid`) = '".ID."'"))
				err('Ошибка при удалении закладок тем', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

			// затем темы
			if(!$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `topics`  WHERE `fid` = '".ID."'"))
				err('Ошибка при удалении тем', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

		if(!$db -> sql("DELETE FROM `forums` WHERE `id` = '".ID."'"))
			err('Ошибка при удалении форума', PATH.'forum'.ID.'/del/');

		// обвноляем кэш форума
		if($into_forum != false)
			$db -> sql("UPDATE `forums` SET `count_topics` = `count_topics` + '{$forum_info['count_topics']}', `count_posts` = `count_posts` + '{$forum_info['count_posts']}' WHERE `id` = '$into_forum'");

		msg('Форум &quot;'.$forum_info['name'].'&quot; удален'.($into_forum != false ? '<br />Темы и сообщения перенесены в форум &quot;'.$db -> one("SELECT `name` FROM `forums` WHERE `id` = '$into_forum'").'&quot;' : null), PATH.'index.php');


	// выбираем форумы для переноса данных
	if($db -> one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forums` WHERE `id` != '".ID."'") > 0)
		$template_forums = array();

				while($forum = $db -> fetch("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `forums` WHERE `id` != '".ID."' ORDER BY `position` ASC"))
			$template_forum = array('id' => $forum['id'], 'name' => $forum['name']);

			$template_forums[] = $template_forum;


		$template -> assign('forums', $template_forums);


	$template -> page_zag = 'Удаление форума';

	$template -> block = 'del';


$template -> display('');

