Ето с Mchost.ru
Dear McHost customers!
Currently all McHost equipment disabled and illegally detained on the territory of "Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering"(FSUE "RISDE")
http://rniikp.ru/. McHost has no economic relationship to the so-called data-center company "Oversan-Mercury"
http://www.oversunmercury.ru/, which is located at Aviamotornaya str, 53, Moscow. At present, "Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering"(FSUE "RISDE") extorts money from Mchost for nonexistent contracts.
"Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering"(FSUE "RISDE") under the guise of financing their own projects financing the third-party commercial business, not related to the activities of the institute. For example, the financing of the company "Oversan-Scalaxy" (http://scalaxy.ru/) for the 2009-2010 year. Formally, the payments are made under the contract on the development of certain software, but in fact the money goes toward operating costs of a commercial organization Oversan-Scalaxy. Directly related to the company Oversan-Scalaxy, as well as Oversan-Mercury is the son of general director and designer of "Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering"(FSUE "RISDE") Urlichich Leonid.
All issues of service McHost contact us by phone (495) 509-12-02.
We want to warn all our customers who are going to place equipment in the company "Oversan-Mercury". This company is engaged in illegal activities on the territory of "Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering"(FSUE "RISDE"). The Data Center Oversan-Mercury funded and continues to illegally financed from public funds of "Russian Institute of Space Device Engineering"(FSUE "RISDE").
We call for justice the highest authorities of the Russian Federation in which there is such lawlessness!