Просмотр файла jaffamonkey_wap_portal/links.wml

Размер файла: 1.09Kb
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  3. "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml">
  4. <wml>
  5. <card id="p5" title="links">
  6. <a href="http://wap2.jaffamonkey.net/menu.wml">Home</a><br/><br/>
  7. <a href="http://wireless.efax.com">eFax Wireless</a><br/>Service that notifies you on your wireless phone of incoming faxes and voicemail.<br/>
  8. <a href="http://www.vVault.comm">vVault</a><br/>Internet file storage and delivery services, including messaging and advanced document management services.<br/><a href="http://www.wapicq.com/index.wmlm">WAPICQ</a><br/>Service that notifies you on your wireless phone of incoming faxes &amp; voicemail.<br/></big><a href=http://www.wapmx.com">wapMX</a><br/>
  9. Allows checking of your POP3, Yahoo or Hotmail e-mail account. Also includes Aviation weather news.<br/><a href="http://www.webcab.de/i.wml">webcab</a><br/>Great WAP site for users. Easy to navigate and many useful functions.<a href="http://www.waps.co.uk:8080">eFax Wireless</a><br/>Check your e-mail inbox at Bt Internet, Demon.co.uk, Freeserve and other UK ISPs.<br/>
  10. </card></wml>