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<title>Wap Portal Server Manual</title>
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      <td><img src="images/logo.gif" width="200" height="40"></td>
      <td align="right" width="100%" valign="bottom"><span class="big">Manual 
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      <td align="center" width="50%"><b>Portal Settings</b></td>
      <td> <b><u>Logo</u></b><br>
        Here you can <b>upload</b> the <b>logo</b> that appears on the main WAP 
        The logo must be valid <b>wbmp</b> file. There is free software available 
        for creating wbmp pictures.<br>
        If you already have logo and upload a new one, the old logo will be overwritten.<br>
        If you don't want any logos to be displayed on your WAP site just delete 
        the existing logo clicking on <b>Delete</b> button.<br>
        Please note that for security purposes, some web servers are running PHP 
        in safe mode. <br>
        If you are trying to upload a logo to this kind of server this will be 
        disallowed and <br>
        you will get message &quot;Could not upload the logo.&quot;<br>
        In this case you should manually upload your logo named &quot;logo.wbmp&quot; 
        to &quot;logo&quot; directory.<br>
        The counter <b>counts</b> all <b>hits</b> on the index page of your WAP 
        Here you can <b>select</b> whether you want it to be <b>shown</b> or not.<br>
        You can also see the graphical agent statistics (which devices are most 
        frequently used to access your WAP site).</td>
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  <p><span class="small">Copyright &copy; 2002 Wap Portal Server</span></p>