Просмотр файла documentation.txt

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* Harris WapChat Documentation
* Ver.1.0
* Harris WapChat is a wap chat application for personal and corporate used.
* Visit http://successkid.com/blogs/index.php/?p=2 for more info.
* Copyright (C) 2005 Harris Yusuf Arifin

* User must register to chat
* Can use for personal or corporate
* Create room and advertisment/announcement
* Automatically delete expire message
* Send message to public or private 
* Multiple language (english and indonesian for ver.1)


1. Make sure you already install Apache, PHP and MySQL that support WML, otherwise you should add below line to your apache configuration (httpd.conf) :

AddType text/vnd.wap.wml .wml 

2. Unzip the file and open config.php in folder "src". Change :
$sysFileDir = "/path/your/wapchat/src/"; (for linux)
$sysFileDir = "c:\\your\\wapchat\\src\\"; (for windows)

you also need to change database configuration :
define("DB_IP",				"your_db_server");
define("DB_USER",				"your_db_user");
define("DB_PASSWORD",		"your_db_password");
define("DB_NAME",				"your_db_name");

3. Upload wapchat.sql in folder "sql" to create tables and sample data. Use PHPMYADMIN (www.phpmyadmin.net) to upload this file.

4. Done!, go to http://www.yourdomain/wapchat/itdiv.php               
For administration login with :
user : admin
password : demo

or directly to Bookmarked URL:

* For personal use, you can change file name of itdiv.php or hrdiv.php to index.php.

* For corporate use, for example your corp consist of IT Division and HR Division. Then you can use itdiv.php and hrdiv.php. To add another division, ie: Finance Div just "Save As" itdiv.php to financediv.php.

You should change configuration for each file you created:
$sesUserAdminCob 	= "admin"; 			//admin division user
$sesPassAdminCob 	= "demo"; 			//admin division password
$sesPathLang 		= "en";				//Language. en = english, id=indonesia
$sesCobID			= "ITDIV";   		//Divison ID must UNIQUE, UPPERCASE, NO SPACE. Max 16 chars
$sesCobName			= "IT Division";	//Division name
$sesRefreshTime	= 120;				//refresh time display chat msg
$sesExpTime			= 10;					//expire user if no activity in minute -> max:60 min
$ImgCob	 			= "logo.wbmp";		//division logo image

As administrator login, you can create :
- Room
- Advertisement (text banner)

To create room choose  menu "Create Room". To remove room choose "Delete Room"

To create Advertisement chose menu "Create Ad". To edit Ad choose "Edit Ad". In this section you can publish Ad to main conversation page and Options page. You also can deactivate or activate an Ad.

Each user/client MUST register first in order to chat with others. Just select "New User" to register and fill all necessary form.

User can login directly to Bookmarked URL like :

1. To translate to your own language, open sub folder "langtxt" in folder "src". Then "Save as" lang-en.php to lang-yourlang.php then make necessary transalation to lang-yourlang.php. Remember to always save the file to folder "langtxt".

2. open, ie: itdiv.php then change language variabel $sesPathLang to your language. If you save the language file to lang-fr.php then $sesPathLang should be :
$sesPathLang 		= "fr";

Special for chinese language, must save the file to "lang-ch.php", otherwise you should modify file "eng.startPage.php" line 66 :
if ($sesLanguages == "ch")