Ok, you've download the phpmytourney script and now your wondering
how the hell you can put that on your site.
First if you have any problems
you can contact me on my site's forum.
What you need prior the installation process :
- Access to a MySQL database
- Php 4 installed on your web host, and of course you have
the privilege of runnin php scripts enabled.
- Some patience, integrity and a competitive game which lacks fun tourneys =P
The install :
- I bet you allready unzipped the phpmytourney.zip , but if not
do it now.
- The only file you have (lets say "should have" because this is alpha release),
is the config.inc file in the main directory. There is not much to modify in
there, follow the instruction in the config file. And if you allready installed
other .cgi .php script, it shouldn't be very hard.
- Upload the file on your web server in the proper dir mentionned in the config file.
** IMPORTANT : remove both dir : install-uninstall and testscript from the web server
** when install is complete **
** otherwise anyone that knows about these files could fuck up your tournaments bad **
- Now you have to setup the database. go in your web browser and run
the createdb.php file. If you ever want to start over... Run the dropdb.php script
to delete what you have done with createdb.php.
*** remove dropdb.php from server ! (its in install-uninstall dir) ***
(if you dont see the reason of this, you won't like it when someone will
run that script and you will lose all you tournaments data.)
- Now go in the tourneyadmin.php script and have fun trying to figure out
how it works. (I think its enuf user friendly for anyone to understand, but
i'm rather biased considering I coded it.)
- To see what the players "will" (dont mind the layout yet !) see go to
the page "disclaimer.php"
- I suggest you simulate an entire tourney by first creating one in the
admin script and then creating names and signup up etc...
This step is important to make sure you understand the script correctly,
being the host of the tournaments, you have to be able to explain to
user how it works... Also important to familirize urself with admin script.
ALSO, its alpha release : you could find a "tourney killer bug" doing that.
- have fun.
Post-Installation :
For this part, I hope you are familiar with SSI , if not : oh god how the hell
do you manage menu and layouts and everything !!!!!
The phpmyleague script use a file include systems similar to SSI to
manage menu and layouts.
Seting up the layout :
- all the files (except the admins file and grid.php) does the following
include :
/includes/header.php at the beginning of the file.
/includes/footer.php at the end of the file.
Normally , you can make the script fit in any layout modifying those
2 files.
- IMPORTANT NOTE : you have to include menu.php in order to show the
tourney stuff. Remember that MENU are generated AUTOMATICLY , so dont
jam the menu in a small unmodifyable "square" in the menu.
- You can also modify the menu.php rather easily, the file is mostly HTML code.
but make sure you understand it before doin anything.
I appreciate feedback, visit my forums !
Jйrфme Poulin
Aka Ganondorf[Fw]
PhpMytourney Creator