Просмотр файла dl/createimg.php

Размер файла: 4.41Kb
#                                                   #
#    ********* AgS DOWNLOAD centre 1.0 *********    #
#                                                   #
#             Author   :   Agris Cišs               #
#             E-mail   :   [email protected]       #
#           WAP-site   :   http://ags.h2m.ru        #
#               Home   :   LATVIA J-city            #
#                                                   #
#            Don't sell the skript!                 #
#    If you do it, I will hit to your face! :D      #
#                                                   #

include "sys/cons.php";
include "sys/cepumi.php";
include "sys/funct.php";
include "sys/lang/$language.php";
include "sys/msg.php";

if( !empty($h) & !empty($w)){
@$newh = parbaude($_GET["h"]);
@$neww = parbaude($_GET["w"]);
@$fails = $_GET["fails"];
@$vards = $_GET["vards"];
@$height = $_GET["w"];
@$weight = $_GET["h"];
@$tip = $_GET["tips"];
$er = format($vards);//formāts

if(preg_match("[http]",$fails)) exit(ERROR_MESAGE);
if(preg_match("[%]",$fails)) exit(ERROR_MESAGE);
if(preg_match("[http]",$vards)) exit(ERROR_MESAGE);
if(preg_match("[%]",$$vards)) exit(ERROR_MESAGE);
if($height > 500 or $weight > 500) {
header ("Location: about.php?act=comm&fails=$fails&vards=$vards&mape=$mape&msg=bigwh&"); exit;}

if($er == 'png' or $er == 'gif' or $er == 'jpg' or $er == 'bmp' or $er == 'JPG' or $er == 'PNG' or $er == 'GIF') {

$counter = @file_get_contents("dati/$vards.count");
if(!empty($counter)) {
if(!preg_match("/[0-9]/i",$counter)){echo''.$lang['error'].''; exit;}
if(empty($counter)) {$counter = 0;}
} else{ echo ''.$lang['open_error'].'';exit;}

$sz = GetImageSize($fails);

$weigtht = $sz[0];
$heightt = $sz[1];

$destation = 'temp/img/'.$vards;

if ($neww == '' && $newh == ''){ $neww = $weigtht; $newh = $heightt;}

$new_w = isset($_GET['w']) ? (int) $_GET['w'] : $neww;
$new_h = isset($_GET['h']) ? (int) $_GET['h'] : $newh;
if ($image_info = getimagesize($fails)){
if($er=="gif" or $er=="GIF"){$image_create_handle = "imagecreatefromGif";
}elseif($er=="jpg" or $er=="JPG"){$image_create_handle = "imagecreatefromJpeg";}
elseif($er=="png" or $er=="PNG"){$image_create_handle = "imagecreatefromPng";}

if (!$fails = @$image_create_handle($fails)){echo ''.$lang['img_error_create'].'';exit;}
	$neww = imagesx($fails);
	$newh = imagesy($fails);
	$ratio = $neww/$new_w; 
	$w_dest = round($neww/$ratio); 
	$h_dest = round($newh/$ratio);
	$dest = imagecreatetruecolor($w_dest,$h_dest);
	imagecopyresized($dest, $fails, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w_dest, $h_dest, $neww, $newh);
if ($im_wd == 1)
		// вывод текста
		// определяем координаты вывода текста
		$size = &$im_ts; // размер шрифта
		$x_text = $w_dest-imagefontwidth($size)*strlen($im_title)-3;
		$y_text = $h_dest-imagefontheight($size)-3;
		// определяем каким цветом на каком фоне выводить текст
		$white = imagecolorallocate($dest, 255, 255, 255);
		$black = imagecolorallocate($dest, 0, 0, 0);
		$gray = imagecolorallocate($dest, 127, 127, 127);
		if (imagecolorat($dest,$x_text,$y_text)>$gray) $color = $black;
		if (imagecolorat($dest,$x_text,$y_text)<$gray) $color = $white;
		// выводим текст
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text-1, $y_text-1, $im_title, $white-$color);
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text+1, $y_text+1, $im_title, $white-$color);
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text+1, $y_text-1, $im_title, $white-$color);
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text-1, $y_text+1, $im_title, $white-$color);
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text-1, $y_text, $im_title, $white-$color);
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text+1, $y_text, $im_title, $white-$color);
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text, $y_text-1, $im_title, $white-$color);
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text, $y_text+1, $im_title, $white-$color);
		imagestring($dest, $size, $x_text, $y_text, $im_title, $color);
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
}else{ echo ''.$lang['img_error_size'].'';exit;}
}else{echo'Bļe ievadi lielumu lol!';}//lieluma tukšums