Просмотр файла FFDB/readme.txt

Размер файла: 2.48Kb
|                      Fantastic File Database                         |
|                          By Tony Baird                               |
|                  Copyright (c) 2003 Fantastic Scripts                |
|                          http://fscripts.com                         |
| Fantastic File Database Can be modified freely as long as copyright  | 
| is intact and this is left at the top of every source file           |
| Readme File                                                          |

	1. Requirements
	2. Installation Info
	3. Upgrading
	4. Customizing FFDB
	5. Full Credits
	6. Support Info

1.  FFDB Requirements
	FFDB requires the the PHP 4.2 or higher as well as MySQL it can run on both Linux and Windows based servers
it has been tested on both and should work.

2. FFDB Installation Info
	a)  Edit config.php to reflect your mysql info
	b)  CHMOD templates directory to 777 and the default directory in there to 777 and the templates in the default
	directory to 777
	c)  CHMOD your uploads directory as well as the 
	d)  Run Install.php in your browser and go through the installation process
	e)  Delete install.php when you are done installing 
	f)  Run the admin.php in your browser and login and setup your general settings
	g)  Add a skin so you have your own skin to modify
	h)  Edit the skins templates to reflect your site

3. Upgrading
	Upload functions.php and all of the Admin Directories php files
	Upload functions.php, register.php and all of the Admin directories php files
	1.x -> 2.x
	Currently there is no upgrade script the modifications to the script are just to extreme for an upgrade script
	to be included

4.  Customizing FFDB
	You can modify every page on FFDB including the admin area as long as the powered by is left on the scripts
	Modifying the admin area's template is an advance technique and isn't recommended but can be done.

5.  FFDB Credits
	The entire script was done by Tony Baird

6.  You can find support for FFDB at the Fantastic Scripts http://fscripts.com and at the fourms (http://fscripts.com/forum/)  :)