include 'header_pop.php';
<!------------ WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE, USING HTML TAGS --------------->
<!-----------( HTML, HEAD AND BODY TAGS ARE OPEN )--------------->
<div class="td0"> </div>
<div class="td1"><font size="3">You can have here anything you want.</font></div>
<div class="td2"><font size="1">Some explanations about how to use your gallery, or what kind of pictures can be found,
or how to upload photos and in what albums, or anything you want.</font></div>
<div class="td0"> </div>
<div> </div>
<div class="td0"> </div>
<div class="td1"><font size="3">How to do this ?</font></div>
<div class="td2"><font size="1">First, edit the file <b>mypage.php</b> and add the HTML code you want. Save it.</font></div>
<div class="td2"><font size="1">Last, go to your admin section, click on <b>Config</b>, and set the size for the popup page.<br>
If you don't set any size, the <b>?</b> button will not be dispayed.</font></div>
<div class="td0"> </div>
<!-------------STOP YOUR TEXT ----------------------------------------------->
<div align="center"><a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.close()" class="lien1"><b>OK</b></a></div>