Размер файла: 7.99Kb
All code is © 2003 Marc Cagninacci.
No files may be redistributed in whole or significant part.
----------------- mcgalleryPRO IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE -------------------
You should have receive a file called license.txt in this package
$l_addalb = "Create a new album (numbers only)in";
$l_addalb_err1 = "This album already exists!";
$l_addalb_err2 = "Numbers only to name an album!";
$l_add_comment = "Comment";
$l_Addphoto = "Add a photo in";
$l_Addphoto_err1 = "Attention, your photo must be a <b>jpg</b> or a <b>png</b> file.";
$l_Addphoto_err2 = "This file already exists.";
$l_Addvideo = "Add a video in";
$l_Addvideo_err0 = "You must upload video and its thumbnail at same time.";
$l_Addvideo_err1 = "Attention, your video must be a <b>avi</b> or <b>mpg</b> file.";
$l_Addvideo_err2 = "Attention, your thumbnail must be a <b>jpg</b> file.";
$l_Addflash = "Add a movie in";
$l_Addflash_err0 = "You must upload movie and its thumbnail at same time.";
$l_Addflash_err1 = "Attention, your movie must be a <b>swf</b> file..";
$l_admin = "Admin";
$l_affichages = "views";
$l_again = "Try again";
$l_Ajuster = "Adjust Database";
$l_Alb_descr = "Album description";
$l_Album = "Album";
$l_Albums = "Albums";
$l_already = "This LOGIN and/or this EMAIL is/are already registered in the database..";
$l_and = "and";
$l_Attention = "Attention, if you click OK, this album and all its photos will be deleted.";
$l_Auteur = "Author";
$l_auteur1 = "All the photos in the album";
$l_auteur2 = "are from the same Author";
$l_Auteur_unique = "Unique Author";
$l_Base = "Base";
$l_Category = "Category";
$l_CategoryC = "Choose one";
$l_CategoryN = "or Create one";
$l_close = "Click on the photo to close the window.";
$l_Comments = "Comments";
$l_comment_sent = "Your comment has been sent, thanks for your contribution.";
$l_comment_valid = "<br>It will be published after validation.";
$l_comnew1 = "Comment to accept";
$l_comnew2 = "A new comment has been posted in the gallery. You can accept or delete it.";
$l_contact = "contact us";
$l_Contact = "Contact";
$l_Date = "Date";
$l_Date_sent = "Sent Date";
$l_Date_read = "Read Date";
$l_Delete = "Delete this album";
$l_deleted = "Unfortunately, this image has been deleted";
$l_Description = "Description";
$l_Design = "Design";
$l_Detail = "Detail";
$l_Dossier = "Folder";
$l_Ecard = "e-cards";
$l_ecard = "E-card";
$l_ecard_sent = "E-card has been sent.";
$l_ecard_verif = "All fields are required";
$l_ecard_video = "E-card";
$l_Email = "Email";
$l_EmailNo = "Your email address is not a valid one.";
$l_Email_pass = "Your email address";
$l_Fichier = "File";
$l_Flash = "Flash";
$l_flash_anims = "movies";
$l_From = "From";
$l_Height = "Height";
$l_hidef = "High resolution";
$l_his_name = "His name";
$l_his_email = "His email address";
$l_index = "Index";
$l_LastComm = "last comments";
$l_Last_vis = "Last";
$l_Level = "Access";
$l_Locked = "Locked";
$l_logged = "Logged";
$l_login = "login";
$l_Login = "Login";
$l_logout = "Logout";
$l_log_restrict = "Some features are restricted to registered members. If you wish to become one, please";
$l_maj = "Update done for the album";
$l_Maxko = "Attention, your photo must be a <b>jpg</b> file, and smaller than";
$l_Members = "Members";
$l_Message = "Message";
$l_message_ecard1 = "You have an e-card from: ";
$l_message_ecard2 = "Click on the link below to see it: ";
$l_N_Albums = "Album name";
$l_Name = "Name";
$l_New = "New";
$l_News = "News";
$l_News_add = "Add a News";
$l_News_body = "News body here (HTML allowed)";
$l_News_edit = "Edit";
$l_News_link = "Add a link";
$l_News_modif = "Modify a News";
$l_News_text = "Text";
$l_nombre = "Number";
$l_nothing = "There is no comment to validate.";
$l_Open = "Open";
$l_Pass = "Password";
$l_page = "page";
$l_Perdu = "Lost Password";
$l_Perdu_ok = "Password has been sent.";
$l_Perdu_err = "Unknown Email Address.";
$l_Photo = "Photo";
$l_Photos = "Photos";
$l_photos = "photos";
$l_read1 = "The ecard you sent to:";
$l_read2 = "has been read.";
$l_read3 = "See it again:";
$l_ref = "Reference";
$l_Restrict = "You can't access to this album";
$l_Restricted = "Restricted area";
$l_Retour = "Back";
$l_search_mode = "Search with keywords<br>(from 1 to 3 words, separated with blank)";
$l_Select = "Choose an album";
$l_Select2 = "or click on <b>login</b>";
$l_sel_add = "Select";
$l_sel_restrict = "This feature is restricted to registered members. If you wish to become one, please";
$l_sel_p_no = "This photo is yet in your selection";
$l_sel_p_ok = "This photo has been added in your selection";
$l_sel_v_no = "This video is yet in your selection";
$l_sel_v_ok = "This video has been added in your selection";
$l_Site = "URL";
$l_Size = "Size";
$l_slide = "Slideshow";
$l_stats = "Statistics";
$l_subject_ecard = "e_card";
$l_Suppr = "Delete";
$l_Supprim = "deleted";
$l_Thumb = "Thumbnail";
$l_Thumbs = "Thumbnails";
$l_thumbs = "thumbnails";
$l_thumbs_create = "Create Thumbs";
$l_thumbs_ok = "thumbnails have been created.";
$l_Thumbtitle = "Click on a photo to set it as Thumbnail for Album #";
$l_Titre = "Title";
$l_tip_aff = "displayed";
$l_tip_com = "reviewed";
$l_tip_card = "sent";
$l_tip_sel = "selected";
$l_To = "To";
$l_top = "most";
$l_Upload = "Submit a photo for this album";
$l_uploaded = "Your photo has been sent.<br>It will be displayed after validation.";
$l_uploadNew = "A new photo has been sent to the gallery. You can accept or delete it.";
$l_uploadNo = "No photo to validate";
$l_Uploads = "Uploads";
$l_valid = "accepted";
$l_valide = "accepted";
$l_valid_ok = "Accept";
$l_Video = "Video";
$l_videos = "videos";
$l_Videos = "Videos";
$l_Visite = "Displayed";
$l_Visits = "Connections";
$l_wait = "Upload in progress, please wait ...";
$l_Web_Colors = "Web Colors<br>roll over colors to see the code";
$l_Width = "Width";
$l_your_name = "Your name";
$l_your_email = "Your email address";
$l_your_message = "Your message";
$l_your_comment = "Your comment";
$l_your_search = "Your search result with the words:";
$l_your_select = "Your selection";
$l_Levels = 'Levels';
$l_pop_level = 'ALBUM LEVEL\n\n0: (or blank) album is hidden\n1: public album (everyone see it)\nOr type the number that member must have to see it.\n(i.e. type 9 to show this album to members with level 9)';
$l_pop_comment = 'COMMENTS\n\n1: not allowed\n2: for members only, with moderation\n3: for members only, without moderation\n4: with moderation for everyone\n5: without moderation for members, with moderation for others\n6: without moderation for everyone';
$l_pop_ecard = 'ECARDS\n\n1: not allowed\n2: allowed for members\n3: allowed for everyone';
$l_pop_select = 'SELECT\n\n1: not allowed\n2: allowed';
$l_pop_upload = 'UPLOAD\n\n1: not allowed\n2: allowed for members\n3: allowed for everyone';
$l_changepass1 = 'change password';
$l_changepass2 = 'New password (6 chars min.)';
$l_changepass3 = 'Repeat new password';
$l_changepass4 = 'Error when filling fields.<br>Please try again.';
$l_changepass5 = 'Thank you';
$l_changepass6 = 'Your new password has been registered.';
$l_search_one = 'this album';
$l_search_cat = 'this category';
$l_search_all = 'all albums';
$l_speed = 'speed';
$l_rateit = 'Give a rate';
$l_rating = 'rating';
$l_rating_av = 'average rating';
$l_rates = 'votes';
$l_times = 'times';
$l_Added = 'Added';
$l_topten = 'Top Ten';
$l_top_date = 'Ten Last Added';
$l_top_com = 'Ten Last Comments';
$l_top_aut = 'Top Ten Authors';
$l_top_rate = 'Top Ten Rated';
$l_top_rev = 'Top Ten Reviewed';
$l_top_card = 'Top Ten Sent';
$l_top_dis = 'Top Ten Displayed';
$l_top_Com = "reviewed";
$l_Move = 'Move';
$l_Watermark = 'Watermark';
$l_watermark_def = 'default string';
$l_watermark_no = 'none';
$l_watermark_other = 'other :';
$l_Edit = 'Edit';
$l_Home = 'Home';