Просмотр файла minibb11/lang/eng.php

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eng.php : ENGLISH language pack for miniBB.
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 miniBB.net.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

/* Language variables depending on miniBB version 1.0 */

$l_meta='<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">';

$l_admin = 'Admin';
$l_about = 'About user';

$l_lastAuthor='Last poster';
$l_sub_answer='Your answer';

$l_new_topic='New topic';
$l_chooseForum = 'Choose forum';

$l_sub_post_msg='Post a message';
$l_sub_post_tpc='Post a topic';

$l_emptyTopic='Simply a topic';
$l_topicTitle = 'Topic title';
$l_loadingtime='Page loading time (sec.):';

$l_enter_admin_login = 'You need to enter your admin login to view this area';
$l_incorrect_login = 'Incorrect username and/or password!';

$l_incorrect_tpl = 'Incorrect template';
$l_tpl_not_found = 'Template not found';

$l_logout = 'Logout';

$l_addforum = 'Add forum';
$l_error_addforum = 'There was an error adding forum: Forum name can not be empty';
$l_forum_added = 'Forum successfully added';

$l_chooseeditforum = 'Choose forum to edit';
$l_editforum = 'Edit forum';

$l_noforums = 'No forums to edit';

$l_noAsking = 'No asking twice!';

$l_forumname = 'Forum title';
$l_forumdesc = 'Forum description';
$l_forumorder = 'Forum order';
$l_deleteforum = 'Delete forum';
$l_forumdeleted = 'Forum deleted';

$l_mysql_error = 'There was a database error. Please report this problem (what you were trying to do etc.) to boards administrator, or contact the authors.<br>';

$l_adminpanel = 'Admin panel';

$l_fastforumspreview = 'Fast preview (forums will be ordered this way on the first page):';

$l_forumUpdated = 'Forum updated';

$l_forums = 'Forums';
$l_users = 'Users';

$l_topicsWillBeDisplayed = 'Since this is only one forum in a system, topics will be displayed already on the first page - according to your setup.';

$logged_as = 'Logged as:';

$l_loginpasswordincorrect = 'Login/password combination is incorrect';
$l_correctLoginpassword = 'Click here to return and correct them';

$l_forumnotexists = 'Forum doesn`t exist';
$l_topicnotexists = 'Topic doesn`t exist. It was deleted by administrator or even NEVER existed';
$l_topiccannotempty = 'Topic title can not be empty!';
$l_back = 'Return back';
$l_returntoforums = 'Return to the forums list';

$l_forbidden = 'You are not allowed to perform this action';

$l_anonymous = 'Anonymous';

$l_enterforums = 'Enter forums';

$l_sortBy = 'Sort by:';
$l_newAnswers = 'New answers';
$l_newTopics = 'New topics';

$l_sortedBy = 'Sorted by:';

$l_lastDiscussions = 'Last discussions';

$l_topic_closed = 'This topic is closed. You can`t post a reply.';

$l_closeTopic = 'Lock topic';
$l_deleteTopic = 'Delete topic';
$l_unlockTopic = 'Unlock topic';

$l_areYouSureDeleteTopic = 'Are you sure you want to delete this topic? All posts associated with the topic will be deleted WITHOUT backup!';

$l_itseemserror = 'Sorry, it seems there was an error during the operation!';

$l_submit = 'Submit';
$l_yes = 'Yes';
$l_no = 'No';

$l_topicLocked = 'Topic was locked';
$l_topicUnLocked = 'Topic was unlocked';

$l_topicsDeleted = 'Topics deleted: ';
$l_postsDeleted = 'Posts deleted: ';

$l_emptyPost = 'Your post contains empty field, that is incorrect!';

$l_forumIcon = 'Forum icon';
$l_forumIconDesc = 'Forum icons are displayed near forum titles in the forums table. They are placed in "/img/forum_icons" directory. Icon should be .GIF or .JPG with the size of 16x16 pixels. Here you just need to type filename of the image WITHOUT any directory name. For better choose, click on icons <b>on the right side</b> (they all are presented in forum_icons directory). If no image specified, default.gif is loaded.';

$l_error_addforumicon = 'Forum was not added, because the following image doesn`t exist: ';

$l_noTopicsInForum = 'This forum has no topics. You can post first!';

$l_del = 'deleted';
$l_rows = 'database row(s)';


$l_stats_popular='Most Popular Topics';
$l_stats_viewed='Most Viewed Topics';
$l_stats_aUsers='Most Active Registered Users';

$l_stats_numUsers='Total Amount of Registered Users';
$l_stats_numTopics='Total Amount of Topics';
$l_stats_numPosts='Total Amount of Posts';

$l_stats_admin='This forum is administrated by';
$l_stats_lastReg='Last registered user is';

$l_edit = 'Edit';
$l_editedBy = 'Edited by: ';
$l_deletePost = 'Delete';

$l_quoting = 'Quote';

$l_postNotExist = 'Post not exists!';

$l_areYouSureDeletePost = 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?';

$l_postID = 'Post ID';
$l_poster = 'Poster';

$l_postDeleted = 'Post successfuly deleted';

$l_menu[0] = 'Home';
$l_menu[1] = 'Search';
$l_menu[2] = 'Registration';
$l_menu[3] = $l_stats;
$l_menu[4] = 'FAQ';
$l_menu[5] = 'Preferences';
$l_menu[6] = 'Logout';
$l_menu[7] = 'New topic';
$l_menu[8] = 'Language';

$l_postEdited = 'Post was successfully edited';
$l_editPost = 'Edit post';

$l_topicTitleUpdated = 'Topic title was updated.';

$l_onlyAdminCanEdit = 'This post was edited or censored by admin previously. You can not edit it anymore!';
$l_topicTextUpdated = 'Post text was updated.';

$l_disableBbCode = 'Disable';
$l_whatIsIt = 'What`s that?';

$l_moveTopic = 'Move topic';

$l_topicMoved = 'Topic was moved';

$l_goTopic = 'Go to the topic';

$l_to = 'to';


$l_search[0]='Search for';
$l_search[1]='Where to Search';
$l_search[2]='Type of Search';
$l_search[4] = 'Topics & posts';
$l_search[5] = 'Topics only';
$l_search[6] = 'Poster name';
$l_search[7] = 'All words';
$l_search[8] = 'Any words';
$l_search[9] = 'Whole Phrase';
$l_search[10] = 'Search phrase lenght can`t be more than 100 symbols. Also minimum lenght of any word is 3 in "Any words" type of search and at least one word must be more than 2 symbols in any other type of search.';

$l_usersIPs = 'Here are all users that have posted under specified IP';
$l_userIP = 'User IP';
$l_userNoIP = 'No IPs found';

$l_userRegistered = 'You are registered user now!';
$l_goToLogin = 'Now you can go to the first page and login.';
$l_thankYouReg = 'Thank you very much for registration!';

$l_newUserRegister = 'New user registration';
$l_necessaryFields = 'Necessary fields';
$l_fillRegisterForm = 'For registration, please fill form below.';

$l_max = 'Max.';
$l_symbols = 'symbols';
$l_passOnceAgain = 'Password once again';
$l_email = 'Email';
$l_websiteUrl = 'Website (full URL)';
$l_userOcc = 'Occupation';
$l_userFrom = 'From (location)';
$l_chooseCountry = 'Choose from list or write other.';
$l_userInterest = 'Interests & hobbies';
$l_userViewEmail = 'Show email public?';
$l_sortTopics = 'Sort topics by:';

$l_errorUserData = 'Error in user data';
$l_undefined = 'Undefined';

$l_userErrors[1] = 'Username can contain only allowed symbols (read FAQ)! It can not be less than 3 symbols and more than 40 symbols.';
$l_userErrors[2] = 'Password can contain only letters A-Z, digits and "_" sign. It can`t be less than 5 symbols and more than 32 symbols.';
$l_userErrors[3] = 'Passwords didn`t match!';
$l_userErrors[4] = 'Possibly incorrect email! Please contact administrator for more answers.';
$l_userErrors[5] = 'ICQ number can contain only digits!';
$l_userErrors[6] = 'URL must be full, beginning with http://, https:// or ftp://';

$l_errorUserExists = 'Unable to register new user. Possibly username or email already taken, or admininistrator info isn`t filled, yet.';

$l_removeUser = 'Remove user';
$l_enterID = 'Enter ID';
$l_cantDeleteUser = 'Can not delete this user!';
$l_removeUserMessages = 'Also remove all user MESSAGES and TOPICS (with other users` messages)';
$l_userDeleted = 'User deleted from USERS database';
$l_userNotDeleted = 'There was an error: User not deleted';
$l_userMsgsDeleted = 'User messages deleted';
$l_userMsgsNotDeleted = 'User messages were not deleted';
$l_userUpdated0 = 'User info updated as anonymous';
$l_userNotUpdated0 = 'User info was not updated';

$l_stillNoForums = 'STILL NO FORUMS...?';

$l_send = 'Send';
$l_pwdWillBeSent = '<b>If you have forgotten your old password</b>, <br>enter your registered email for sending new password';
$l_emailNotExists = 'Email you`ve entered doesn`t exist in our database';
$l_emailSent = 'New password was sent to your email. Follow instructions in the letter';
$l_passwdUpdate = 'Your password was succesfully updated. Now you can go to the preferences and change it to something else';

$l_editPrefs = 'Edit preferences';
$l_onlyIfChangePwd = 'Only necessary if you change your password';
$l_prefsUpdated = 'Preferences updated';
$l_prefsNotUpdated = 'Nothing was updated! (Probably data is the same)';
$l_prefsPassUpdated = 'password changed, re-login on the main page';

$l_restoreDataAdmin = 'Restore Admin data in database';

$l_userNotExists = 'User doesn`t exist!';

$l_userInfo = 'User info';

$l_usrInfo[1] = 'Username';
$l_usrInfo[2] = 'Registration date';
$l_usrInfo[4] = 'Email';
$l_usrInfo[5] = 'ICQ';
$l_usrInfo[6] = 'Website';
$l_usrInfo[7] = 'Occupation';
$l_usrInfo[8] = 'Location';
$l_usrInfo[9] = 'Interests';

$l_usrInfo[10] = 'User Activities';

$l_antiSpam = 'Anti-spam protection: you can make only one post in '.$postRange.' seconds!';
$l_emailNotify = 'Email notifications';

$l_delSendMais = 'Type an email to delete or simply press button for clearing up the whole table';
$l_delete = 'Delete';
$l_completed = 'Action completed!';

$l_enterIP = 'Enter correct IP';
$l_ban = 'Ban user IP';
$l_unsetBan = 'Unset/unban selected IPs';
$l_incorrectIp = 'Incorrect IP! Use 4 numbers separated by dot (Ex.: or with asterisk at the end (Ex.: 195.12.145.*)';
$l_IpBanned = 'IP banned';
$l_IpExists = 'IP already exists';
$l_noBans = 'No banned IPs in database!';
$l_accessDenied = 'Access denied';

$l_forumProtected = 'Our forums are protected by password. Please, enter it here';

$l_userLastTopics = 'Last topics posted';
$l_userLastPosts = 'Last replies posted';
$l_exportEmails = 'Export emails';
$l_deleteSendmails = 'Delete email notifications';
$l_separator = 'Separator';
$l_comma = 'Comma';
$l_tab = 'Tab';
$l_screen = 'Screen';
$l_attach = 'Attachment';
$l_warnEncoding='Before posting non-english message, check your browser`s encoding!';
$l_chooseLang='Choose language';
$l_deleteLang='Delete language settings';

/* Language variables depending on miniBB version 1.0 */

$l_privateForum='You don`t have access to private or archive forums.';
