Просмотр файла includes/emailer.php

Размер файла: 8.62Kb
 *      Разработка: phpBB Group.
 *      Оптимизация под WAP: Гутник Игорь ( чел ).
 *          2008 год

class emailer
	var $msg, $subject, $extra_headers;
	var $addresses, $reply_to, $from;
	var $use_smtp;

	var $tpl_msg = array();

	function emailer($use_smtp)
		$this->use_smtp = $use_smtp;
		$this->reply_to = $this->from = '';

	function reset()
		$this->addresses = array();
		$this->vars = $this->msg = $this->extra_headers = '';

	function email_address($address)
		$this->addresses['to'] = trim($address);

	function cc($address)
		$this->addresses['cc'][] = trim($address);

	function bcc($address)
		$this->addresses['bcc'][] = trim($address);

	function replyto($address)
		$this->reply_to = trim($address);

	function from($address)
		$this->from = trim($address);

	function set_subject($subject = '')
		$subject = u2w($subject);
		$this->subject = trim(preg_replace('#[\n\r]+#s', '', $subject));

	function extra_headers($headers)
		$this->extra_headers .= trim($headers) . "\n";

	function use_template($template_file, $template_lang = '')
		global $board_config, $phpbb_root_path;

		if (trim($template_file) == '')
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'No template file set', '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

		if (trim($template_lang) == '')
			$template_lang = $board_config['default_lang'];

		if (empty($this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file]))
			$tpl_file = $phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $template_lang . '/email/' . $template_file . '.tpl';

			if (!@file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($tpl_file)))
				$tpl_file = $phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/email/' . $template_file . '.tpl';

				if (!@file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($tpl_file)))
					message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not find email template file :: ' . $template_file, '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

			if (!($fd = @fopen($tpl_file, 'r')))
				message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Failed opening template file :: ' . $tpl_file, '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

			$this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file] = fread($fd, filesize($tpl_file));

		$this->msg = $this->tpl_msg[$template_lang . $template_file];

		return true;

	function assign_vars($vars)
		$this->vars = (empty($this->vars)) ? $vars : $this->vars . $vars;

	function send()
		global $board_config, $lang, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $db;

		$this->msg = str_replace ("'", "\'", $this->msg);
		$this->msg = preg_replace('#\{([a-z0-9\-_]*?)\}#is', "' . $\\1 . '", $this->msg);

		reset ($this->vars);
		while (list($key, $val) = each($this->vars)) 
			$$key = u2w($val);

		eval("\$this->msg = '$this->msg';");

		reset ($this->vars);
		while (list($key, $val) = each($this->vars)) 

		$drop_header = '';
		$match = array();
		if (preg_match('#^(Subject:(.*?))$#m', $this->msg, $match))
			$this->subject = (trim($match[2]) != '') ? trim($match[2]) : (($this->subject != '') ? $this->subject : 'No Subject');
			$drop_header .= '[\r\n]*?' . preg_quote($match[1], '#');
			$this->subject = (($this->subject != '') ? $this->subject : 'No Subject');

		if (preg_match('#^(Charset:(.*?))$#m', $this->msg, $match))
			$this->encoding = (trim($match[2]) != '') ? trim($match[2]) : trim($lang['ENCODING']);
			$drop_header .= '[\r\n]*?' . preg_quote($match[1], '#');
			$this->encoding = trim($lang['ENCODING']);

		if ($drop_header != '')
			$this->msg = trim(preg_replace('#' . $drop_header . '#s', '', $this->msg));

		$to = $this->addresses['to'];

		$cc = (count($this->addresses['cc'])) ? implode(', ', $this->addresses['cc']) : '';
		$bcc = (count($this->addresses['bcc'])) ? implode(', ', $this->addresses['bcc']) : '';

		$this->extra_headers = (($this->reply_to != '') ? "Reply-to: $this->reply_to\n" : '') . (($this->from != '') ? "From: $this->from\n" : "From: " . $board_config['board_email'] . "\n") . "Return-Path: " . $board_config['board_email'] . "\nMessage-ID: <" . md5(uniqid(time())) . "@" . $board_config['server_name'] . ">\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=" . $this->encoding . "\nContent-transfer-encoding: 8bit\nDate: " . date('r', time()) . "\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: PHP\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By phpBB2\n" . $this->extra_headers . (($cc != '') ? "Cc: $cc\n" : '')  . (($bcc != '') ? "Bcc: $bcc\n" : ''); 

		if ( $this->use_smtp )
			if ( !defined('SMTP_INCLUDED') ) 
				include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/smtp.' . $phpEx);

			$result = smtpmail($to, $this->subject, $this->msg, $this->extra_headers);
			$empty_to_header = ($to == '') ? TRUE : FALSE;
			$to = ($to == '') ? (($board_config['sendmail_fix']) ? ' ' : 'Undisclosed-recipients:;') : $to;
			$result = @mail($to, $this->subject, preg_replace("#(?<!\r)\n#s", "\n", $this->msg), $this->extra_headers);
			if (!$result && !$board_config['sendmail_fix'] && $empty_to_header)
				$to = ' ';

				$sql = "UPDATE " . CONFIG_TABLE . " 
					SET config_value = '1'
					WHERE config_name = 'sendmail_fix'";
				if (!$db->sql_query($sql))
					message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Unable to update config table', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);

				$board_config['sendmail_fix'] = 1;
				$result = @mail($to, $this->subject, preg_replace("#(?<!\r)\n#s", "\n", $this->msg), $this->extra_headers);

		if (!$result)
			message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Failed sending email :: ' . (($this->use_smtp) ? 'SMTP' : 'PHP') . ' :: ' . $result, '', __LINE__, __FILE__);

		return true;

	function encode($str)
		if ($this->encoding == '')
			return $str;

		$end = "?=";
		$start = "=?$this->encoding?B?";
		$spacer = "$end\r\n $start";
		$length = 75 - strlen($start) - strlen($end);
		$length = floor($length / 2) * 2;
		$str = chunk_split(base64_encode($str), $length, $spacer);
		$str = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($spacer, '#') . '$#', '', $str);

		return $start . $str . $end;

	function attachFile($filename, $mimetype = "application/octet-stream", $szFromAddress, $szFilenameToDisplay)
		global $lang;
		$mime_boundary = "--==================_846811060==_";

		$this->msg = '--' . $mime_boundary . "\nContent-Type: text/plain;\n\tcharset=\"" . $lang['ENCODING'] . "\"\n\n" . $this->msg;

		if ($mime_filename)
			$filename = $mime_filename;
			$encoded = $this->encode_file($filename);

		$fd = fopen($filename, "r");
		$contents = fread($fd, filesize($filename));

		$this->mimeOut = "--" . $mime_boundary . "\n";
		$this->mimeOut .= "Content-Type: " . $mimetype . ";\n\tname=\"$szFilenameToDisplay\"\n";
		$this->mimeOut .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n";
		$this->mimeOut .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n\tfilename=\"$szFilenameToDisplay\"\n\n";

		if ( $mimetype == "message/rfc822" )
			$this->mimeOut .= "From: ".$szFromAddress."\n";
			$this->mimeOut .= "To: ".$this->emailAddress."\n";
			$this->mimeOut .= "Date: ".date("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " UT\n";
			$this->mimeOut .= "Reply-To:".$szFromAddress."\n";
			$this->mimeOut .= "Subject: ".$this->mailSubject."\n";
			$this->mimeOut .= "X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion()."\n";
			$this->mimeOut .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";

		$this->mimeOut .= $contents."\n";
		$this->mimeOut .= "--" . $mime_boundary . "--" . "\n";

		return $out;

	function getMimeHeaders($filename, $mime_filename="")
		$mime_boundary = "--==================_846811060==_";

		if ($mime_filename)
			$filename = $mime_filename;

		$out = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
		$out .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=\"$mime_boundary\"\n\n";
		$out .= "This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand\n";
		$out .= "this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.";

		return $out;

	function myChunkSplit($str)
		$stmp = $str;
		$len = strlen($stmp);
		$out = "";

		while ($len > 0)
			if ($len >= 76)
				$out .= substr($stmp, 0, 76) . "\r\n";
				$stmp = substr($stmp, 76);
				$len = $len - 76;
				$out .= $stmp . "\r\n";
				$stmp = "";
				$len = 0;
		return $out;

	function encode_file($sourcefile)
		if (is_readable(phpbb_realpath($sourcefile)))
			$fd = fopen($sourcefile, "r");
			$contents = fread($fd, filesize($sourcefile));
	      $encoded = $this->myChunkSplit(base64_encode($contents));

		return $encoded;

