Просмотр файла album_db_install.php

Размер файла: 4.46Kb
 *                           album_db_install.php
 *                            -------------------
 *   Разработка: (C) 2003 Smartor
 *   Модификация: чел

 *   Эта версия phpBB-WAP является бесплатным
 *   программным обеспечением и распространяется
 *   в рамках лицензии GNU General Public License.
 *   Автор модификации настоятельно не
 *   рекомендует распрострянять её так, как
 *   распространялась 5 версия мода.

define('IN_PHPBB', true);

$phpbb_root_path = './';

$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX);

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<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" align="center">
		<td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
				<td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle"><span class="maintitle">Installing Photo Album Addon for phpBB2</span></td>

<br clear="all" />



$available_dbms = array(
	"mysql" => array(
		"SCHEMA" => "album_mysql",
		"DELIM" => ";",
		"DELIM_BASIC" => ";",
		"COMMENTS" => "remove_remarks"
	"mysql4" => array(
		"SCHEMA" => "album_mysql",
		"DELIM" => ";",
		"DELIM_BASIC" => ";",
		"COMMENTS" => "remove_remarks"
	"mssql" => array(
		"SCHEMA" => "album_mssql",
		"DELIM" => "GO",
		"DELIM_BASIC" => ";",
		"COMMENTS" => "remove_comments"
	"mssql-odbc" =>	array(
		"SCHEMA" => "album_mssql",
		"DELIM" => "GO",
		"DELIM_BASIC" => ";",
		"COMMENTS" => "remove_comments"
	"postgres" => array(
		"LABEL" => "PostgreSQL 7.x",
		"SCHEMA" => "album_postgres",
		"DELIM" => ";",
		"DELIM_BASIC" => ";",
		"COMMENTS" => "remove_comments"

$dbms_file = $available_dbms[$dbms]['SCHEMA'] . '.sql';

$remove_remarks = $available_dbms[$dbms]['COMMENTS'];;
$delimiter = $available_dbms[$dbms]['DELIM'];
$delimiter_basic = $available_dbms[$dbms]['DELIM_BASIC'];

if ( !($fp = @fopen($dbms_file, 'r')) )
	message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, "Can't open " . $dbms_file);


$sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_file, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_file));
$sql_query = preg_replace('/phpbb_/', $table_prefix, $sql_query);

$sql_query = $remove_remarks($sql_query);
$sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter);

$sql_count = count($sql_query);

for($i = 0; $i < $sql_count; $i++)
	echo "Running :: " . $sql_query[$i];

	if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql_query[$i])) )
		$errored = true;
		$error = $db->sql_error();
		echo " -> <b>FAILED</b> ---> <u>" . $error['message'] . "</u><br /><br />\n\n";
		echo " -> <b><span class=\"ok\">COMPLETED</span></b><br /><br />\n\n";

$message = '';

if ( $errored )
	$message .= '<br />Some queries failed. Please contact me at <a href="http://smartor.is-root.com">http://smartor.is-root.com</a> we may solve your problems...<br />To Undo the changes to your database please execute album_db_uninstall.php.';
	$message .= '<br />Photo Album Tables generated successfully. To Undo the changes to your database please execute album_db_uninstall.php';

echo "\n<br />\n<b>COMPLETE!</b><br />\n";
echo $message . "<br />";
echo "<br /><b>NOW DELETE THIS FILE</b><br />\n";
echo "</body>";
echo "</html>";
