- <?php
- /* CafйRSS 1.0
- by Michel Valdrighi, on 2002/08/08
- licensed under the GPL, see license.txt for information
- please keep this comment here */
- class cafeRSS {
- var $url;
- var $debugtimer;
- /* defaut values */
- var $items = 'all';
- var $template_string = '';
- var $template_file = 'cafeRSS_template.txt';
- var $use_cache = 0;
- var $cache_dir = 'cafeRSS_cache'; # if you want to cache, chmod a directory 777 and put its name here
- var $refresh_time = 900; # in seconds - has no effect if $use_cache = 0;
- var $echo = 1;
- var $debug = 0;
- /* usage: $this->assign('var','value'); */
- function assign($var, $value) {
- $this->$var = $value;
- }
- /* usage: $this->display('url' [, those optional parameters below ]); */
- function display($rss_file = 'blah', $rss_items = 'blah', $rss_template_string = 'blah', $rss_template_file = 'blah', $rss_use_cache= 'blah', $rss_cache_dir = 'blah', $rss_refresh_time = 'blah', $rss_echo = 'blah', $rss_debug = 'blah') {
- if ($rss_file == 'blah') { $rss_file = $this->url; }
- if ($rss_items == 'blah') { $rss_items = $this->items; }
- if ($rss_template_string == 'blah') { $rss_template_string = $this->template_string; }
- if ($rss_template_file == 'blah') { $rss_template_file = $this->template_file; }
- if ($rss_use_cache == 'blah') { $rss_use_cache = $this->use_cache; }
- if ($rss_cache_dir == 'blah') { $rss_cache_dir = $this->cache_dir; }
- if ($rss_refresh_time == 'blah') { $rss_refresh_time = $this->refresh_time; }
- if ($rss_echo == 'blah') { $rss_echo = $this->echo; }
- if ($rss_debug == 'blah') { $rss_debug = $this->debug; }
- $rss_cache_file = $rss_cache_dir.'/'.preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]/', '_', $rss_file).'.cache';
- if (preg_match('/</', $rss_file)) {
- $content = $rss_file;
- } else {
- /* the secret cache ops, part I */
- if (($rss_cache_dir != '') && ($rss_use_cache)) {
- clearstatcache();
- $get_rss = 1;
- $cache_rss = 1;
- if (file_exists($rss_cache_file)) {
- if ((time() - filemtime($rss_cache_file)) < $rss_refresh_time) {
- $this->timer_start();
- $f = fopen($rss_cache_file, 'r');
- $content = fread($f, filesize($rss_cache_file));
- fclose($f);
- $debugfopencachetime = $this->timer_stop(0);
- $get_rss = 0;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $get_rss = 1;
- $cache_rss = 0;
- }
- /* opens the RSS file */
- $this->timer_start();
- if ($get_rss) {
- $f = fopen($rss_file,'r');
- while (!feof($f)) {
- $content .= fgets($f, 4096);
- }
- fclose($f);
- }
- $debugfopentime = $this->timer_stop(0);
- /* the secret cache ops, part II */
- if (($cache_rss) && ($rss_use_cache)) {
- $this->timer_start();
- $f = fopen($rss_cache_file, 'w+');
- fwrite($f, $content);
- fclose($f);
- $debugcachetime = $this->timer_stop(0);
- } else {
- $debugcachetime = 0;
- }
- }
- /* gets RSS channel info and RSS items info */
- $this->timer_start();
- preg_match_all("'<channel>(.+?)<title>(.*?)</title>(.+?)</channel>'si",$content,$rss_title);
- preg_match_all("'<channel>(.+?)<link>(.*?)</link>(.+?)</channel>'si",$content,$rss_link);
- preg_match_all("'<channel>(.+?)<description>(.*?)</description>(.+?)</channel>'si",$content,$rss_description);
- preg_match_all("'<channel>(.+?)<lastBuildDate>(.*?)</lastBuildDate>(.+?)</channel>'si",$content,$rss_lastBuildDate);
- preg_match_all("'<channel>(.+?)<docs>(.*?)</docs>(.+?)</channel>'si",$content,$rss_docs);
- preg_match_all("'<channel>(.+?)<managingEditor>(.*?)</managingEditor>(.+?)</channel>'si",$content,$rss_managingEditor);
- preg_match_all("'<channel>(.+?)<webMaster>(.*?)</webMaster>(.+?)</channel>'si",$content,$rss_webMaster);
- preg_match_all("'<channel>(.+?)<language>(.*?)</language>(.+?)</channel>'si",$content,$rss_language);
- preg_match_all("'<image>(.+?)<title>(.*?)</title>(.+?)</image>'si",$content,$rss_image_title);
- preg_match_all("'<image>(.+?)<url>(.*?)</url>(.+?)</image>'si",$content,$rss_image_url);
- preg_match_all("'<image>(.+?)<link>(.*?)</link>(.+?)</image>'si",$content,$rss_image_link);
- preg_match_all("'<item>(.+?)<title>(.*?)</title>(.+?)</item>'si",$content,$rss_item_titles);
- preg_match_all("'<item>(.+?)<link>(.*?)</link>(.+?)</item>'si",$content,$rss_item_links);
- preg_match_all("'<item>(.+?)<description>(.*?)</description>(.+?)</item>'si",$content,$rss_item_descriptions);
- $rss_title = $rss_title[2][0];
- $rss_link = $rss_link[2][0];
- $rss_description = $rss_description[2][0];
- $rss_lastBuildDate = $rss_lastBuildDate[2][0];
- $rss_docs = $rss_docs[2][0];
- $rss_managingEditor = $rss_managingEditor[2][0];
- $rss_webMaster = $rss_webMaster[2][0];
- $rss_language = $rss_language[2][0];
- $rss_image_title = $rss_image_title[2][0];
- $rss_image_url = $rss_image_url[2][0];
- $rss_image_link = $rss_image_link[2][0];
- $debugparsersstime = $this->timer_stop(0);
- /* gets the template */
- $this->timer_start();
- if (empty($rss_template_string)) {
- $f = fopen($rss_template_file,'r');
- $rss_template = fread($f, filesize($rss_template_file));
- fclose($f);
- } else {
- $rss_template = $rss_template_string;
- }
- $debugfopentemplatetime = $this->timer_stop(0);
- preg_match_all("'{rss_items}(.+?){/rss_items}'si",$rss_template,$rss_template_loop);
- $rss_template_loop = $rss_template_loop[1][0];
- $rss_template = str_replace('{rss_items}','',$rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{/rss_items}','',$rss_template);
- /* processes the template - rss channel info */
- $this->timer_start();
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_title}',$rss_title, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_link}',$rss_link, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_description}',$rss_description, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_lastBuildDate}',$rss_lastBuildDate, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_docs}',$rss_docs, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_managingEditor}',$rss_managingEditor, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_webMaster}',$rss_webMaster, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_language}',$rss_language, $rss_template);
- /* processes the template - rss image info */
- if ($rss_image_url != '') {
- $rss_template = str_replace('{rss_image}','',$rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{/rss_image}','',$rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_image_title}',$rss_image_title, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_image_link}',$rss_image_link, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = str_replace('{$rss_image_url}',$rss_image_url, $rss_template);
- } else {
- $rand = md5(rand(1,5)); /* now there's an ugly hack that I'll have to fix */
- $rss_template = preg_replace('/(\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)/', $rand, $rss_template);
- $rss_template = preg_replace('/{rss_image}(.*?){\/rss_image}/', '', $rss_template);
- $rss_template = preg_replace("/$rand/", "\n", $rss_template);
- }
- /* processes the template - rss items info */
- $rss_template_loop_processed = '';
- $k = count($rss_item_titles[2]);
- $j = (($rss_items == 'all') || ($rss_items > $k)) ? $k : intval($rss_items);
- for ($i = 0; $i<$j; $i++) {
- $tmp_template = $rss_template_loop;
- $tmp_title = $rss_item_titles[2][$i];
- $tmp_link = $rss_item_links[2][$i];
- $tmp_description = $rss_item_descriptions[2][$i];
- if ($tmp_description == '') {
- $tmp_description = '-';
- }
- if ($tmp_title == '') {
- $tmp_title = substr($tmp_description,0,20);
- if (strlen($tmp_description) > 20) {
- $tmp_title .= '...';
- }
- }
- $tmp_template = str_replace('{$rss_item_title}',$tmp_title, $tmp_template);
- $tmp_template = str_replace('{$rss_item_link}',$tmp_link, $tmp_template);
- $tmp_template = str_replace('{$rss_item_description}',$tmp_description, $tmp_template);
- $rss_template_loop_processed .= $tmp_template;
- }
- $rss_template = str_replace($rss_template_loop, $rss_template_loop_processed, $rss_template);
- $debugprocesstemplatetime = $this->timer_stop(0);
- clearstatcache();
- /* echoes or returns the processed template :) */
- if ($rss_echo) {
- echo $rss_template;
- if ($rss_debug) {
- echo '<p>';
- echo $debugfopentime.' seconds to load the remote RSS file.<br />';
- echo $debugparsersstime.' seconds to parse the RSS.<br />';
- echo $debugfopentemplatetime.' seconds to load the template file.<br />';
- echo $debugprocesstemplatetime.' seconds to process the template.<br />';
- if ($cache_rss) {
- echo $debugcachetime.' seconds to cache the parsing+processing.<br />';
- }
- echo '<br />';
- $debugtotaltime = ($debugfopentime+$debugparsersstime+$debugfopentemplatetime+$debugfopentemplatetime+$debugprocesstemplatetime+$debugcachetime);
- echo 'Total: '.$debugtotaltime.' seconds.';
- echo '</p>';
- }
- } else {
- return $rss_template;
- }
- }
- function timer_start() {
- $mtime = microtime();
- $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
- $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
- $this->debugtimer = $mtime;
- return true;
- }
- function timer_stop($display=0,$precision=3) {
- $mtime = microtime();
- $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
- $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
- $this->debugtimer = $mtime - $this->debugtimer;
- if ($display)
- echo number_format($this->debugtimer,$precision);
- return($this->debugtimer);
- }
- }
- ?>