Размер файла: 3.04Kb
- <?php
- include "../../../fastwap.inc.php";
- //============================================================================
- //Fastwap v.1.3 - a Linkmamager for WAP-Phones
- //Copyright (C) 2001/2002 webDessert.ch <fastwap@webdessert.ch>
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 021111307, USA.
- // ==============================================================================
- if(!$Submit){
- setcookie ("password_admin", "", time() - 3600);
- setcookie ("username_admin", "", time() - 3600);
- }
- if($Submit){
- $pwo_admin = md5($pwo_admin);
- setcookie ("password_admin", $pwo_admin, time() + 3600);
- setcookie ("username_admin", $u_admin, time() + 3600);
- }
- ?>
- <?
- if($Submit)
- {
- if(!$u_admin)
- {
- echo("Please insert your username.");
- exit();
- }
- if(!$pwo_admin)
- {
- echo("Please insert your password.");
- exit();
- }
- echo("<html><head>");
- echo("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=admin.php\">");
- echo("<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">");
- echo("<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\">");
- echo("</head><body>");
- }
- //Form
- if(!$Submit)
- {
- echo "<html><head><title>Admin Login Fastwap</title>
- <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">
- <link rel=\"STYLESHEET\" media=\"screen\" href=\"../site.css\" type=\"text/css\">
- </head>
- <body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\" marginwidth=\"3\" marginheight=\"3\">
- <table width=\"700\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"7\" cellpadding=\"0\">
- <tr>
- <td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" height=\"37\">
- <b><div class=\"title\"> Fastwap Login</div></b>
- <div class=\"content\">
- </div></td></tr><tr>
- <td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" height=\"57\">
- <form name=\"loginform\" method=\"post\" action=\"$PHP_SELF\">
- <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
- <tr>
- <td height=\"33\" width=\"110\">Username</td>
- <td height=\"33\">
- <input type=\"text\" name=\"u_admin\" class=\"form\">
- </td></tr><tr>
- <td>Password<br> (Case sensitive)</td>
- <td>
- <input type=\"password\" name=\"pwo_admin\" class=\"form\">
- </td></tr><tr>
- <td> </td>
- <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Login\" class=\"button\">
- </td></tr><tr>
- <td> </td><td><br>
- </p></td></tr></table> <p><br><br></p></form>
- </td></tr></table>
- <br><br><br><br>
- <div class=\"bottom\">fastwap by <a href=\"http://www.webdessert.ch\" target=\"_blank\">Nico Schefer, 2001</div>
- </body></html>";
- }
- ?>