Просмотр файла errorphp/readme.txt

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This script is free of charge you can use it and suggest as many as you want.
If you have problems write to [email protected]


When your visitors get broken link from your page, the server (Apache)says that
it was an error when trying to access this page.(404 error).
Or when users trying to access restricted arrea they will get error as well.
By using this script you can inform users about errors by your own html pages.
so visitors will get your html page instead of error page.


1. Edэt error.php and .htacess as needed.
2. Upload error.php, .htacess and html files to your main directory.(ascii mode).

that's all

Optional changes.
If you have cgi-bin directory put .htacess there if you have problems.

you can put .htaccess file to any directory but do not forget to change details in it.
eq: if you put to other directory change http://your_domain.com/error.php?401 to http://your_domain.com/path_to_script/error.php?401 and so on.

some servers may not support .htaccess.