Просмотр файла conf.php

Размер файла: 3.76Kb
//                                                 //
//                 PHPPageProtect                  //
//                    V 1.0.0                      //
//                                                 //
//                 Copyright 2002                  //
//                  David Broker                   //
//            http://php.warpedweb.net/            //
//              All Rights Reserved                //
//                                                 //
//          In using this script you               //
//           agree to the following:               //
//                                                 //
//      This script may be used and modified       //
//              freely as long as this             //
//             copyright remains intact.           //
//                                                 //
//     You may not distibute this script, or       //
//           any modifications of it.              //
//                                                 //
//   A link must be provided on the website that   //
//             uses the script to:                 //
//          http://php.warpedweb.net/              //
//                                                 //
//      Any breaches of these conditions           //
//        will result in legal action.             //
//                                                 //
//      This script is distributed with            //
//        no warrenty, free of charge.             //
//                                                 //

// Sets the administration username and password:

$admin_username = "Username";
$admin_password = "PaSwOrD";

// Sets the path to the user data file which stores the username/encrypted password.

$user_data = "c:\\path\\to\\users.dat";

// Set the URL of the firstpage

$first_page = "http://www.example.com/firstpage.php";

// Sets the URL of the login page.

$login_page = "http://www.example.com/login.php";

// Set to true to enable logging, false to disable.

$log_login  = true;

// If logging is enabled, set the path to the logfile.

$log_file = "c:\\path\\to\\log.dat";

// All below here is just for the personalisation of the script.
// No changes are necessary.

// General Messages:

$unauthorised = "You have not been authorised to view this page, please login:";
$invalid_username_password = "You have entered an invalid username/password. Please try again:";
$logged_out = "You have logged out.";
$user_login = "User Login";
$no_users = "No users avaliable.";
$no_username_selected = "No Username was selected";
$enter_password = "You must enter a password.";
$enter_username = "You must enter a username.";
$enter_name = "You must enter a name.";
$password_not_confirmed = "The new password was not correctly confirmed.";
$password_changed = "The password has been changed.";
$username_deleted = "The selected username were deleted";
$username_exists = "Username already exists.";
$username_created = "The new user was created";
$log_file_cleared = "The log file has been cleared";
$log_file_empty = "The log file is empty.";

// Error messages:

$user_data_file_not_exist = "The user data file does not exist.";
$user_data_file_not_readable = "The user data file was found, but could not be read.";
$user_data_file_not_writable = "The user data file was found, but could not be written to.";

$log_file_not_exist = "The log file does not exist.";
$log_file_not_readable = "The log file was found, but could not be read.";
$log_file_not_writable = "The log file was found, but could not be written to.";

// Sets the version number:

$version = "1.0.0";
