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PHPPageProtect Readme
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//                                                 //
//           <font color="red">P H P P a g e P r o t e c t</font>           //
//                 Version 1.0.0                   //
//                                                 //
//                 Copyright 2002                  //
//                  David Broker                   //
//          <a href="http://php.warpedweb.net/">http://php.warpedweb.net/</a>              //
//              All Rights Reserved                //
//                                                 //
//          In using this script you               //
//           agree to the following:               //
//                                                 //
//      This script may be used and modified       //
//              freely as long as this             //
//             copyright remains intact.           //
//                                                 //
//     You may not distibute this script, or       //
//           any modifications of it.              //
//                                                 //
//   A link must be provided on the website that   //
//             uses the script to:                 //
//          <a href="http://php.warpedweb.net/">http://php.warpedweb.net/</a>              //
//                                                 //
//      Any breaches of these conditions           //
//        will result in legal action.             //
//                                                 //
//      This script is distributed with            //
//        no warranty, free of charge.             //
//                                                 //
<b>Readme File for PHPPageProtect Version 1.0.0a</b>
<li><a href="#about">About</a>
<li><a href="#include">Included Files</a>
<li><a href="#install">Installation/Usage</a>
<li><a href="#changelog">Change log</a>
<li><a href="#todo">To do</a>

<h2><a name="about">About</a></h2>
<p>PHPPageProtect is a user authentication system used to password protect selected pages. 
<br>Pages are protected by adding a single line of PHP script at the top of the page. 
<br>A web-based administration section allows for the creation of new users, deleting users, changing passwords and viewing logs.
<br>User information and logs are stored in a flatfile (text) database.</p>

<h2><a name="include">Included Files</a></h2>
Here is a list of files that should be included in this distribution:
<br>This file.  
<br>The adminstration script.
<br>The script which logs in/out the user.
<br>The script which provides the page protection.
<br>The configuration file.
<br>An example of a protected page.
<br>The first page you see when you log on.
<br>The file where login records are stored.
<br>Where username/encrytped passwords are stored.

<h2><a name="install">Installation</a></h2>

<li><i>PHP Version 4.0.2 or greater.</i>
<br>This is needed because of the functions used in the script are not valid in PHP3
<li><i>Session Support</i>
<br>Your webserver must have session support enabled and working.
<li><i>VERY basic knowledge of PHP.</i>
<br>This is required to install the script. You need to edit a few lines of the script, all of which is described in detail.
<li><b>Configure the scripts:</b>
<li>First open admin.php, login.php and protect.php in a text editor.
<br>Edit the $config variable to point to the config file. If the conf.php file 
is in the same directory as admin.php, login.php and protect.php then you can leave these as they are.
<pre>EG: $conf = "c:\\path\\to\\conf.php";</pre>
<li>Next open conf.php in a text editor.
<br>There are several variables to edit here:
<li>Set the administration username and password (case sensitive):
<pre>EG: $admin_username = "Username";
    $admin_password = "PaSsWoRd</pre>
<li>The full server path to  the users.dat file:
<pre>EG:  $user_data = "c:\\path\\to\\users.dat";
     $user_data = "/path/to/users.dat";</pre>
<li>The URL of the first page the user will see when they login:
<pre>EG: $first_page = "http://www.example.com/firstpage.php";</pre>
<li>The URL of the login page:
<pre>EG: $login_page = "http://www.example.com/login.php";</pre>
<li>Whether or not you wish to log user logins (true/false):
<pre>EG: $log_login = true;</pre>
<li>If you set $log_login to true, you must specify a log file path:
<pre>EG: $log_file = "c:\\path\\to\\log.dat";
    $log_file = "/home/path/to/log.dat";</pre>
<li><b>Installing the scripts:</b>
<li>Upload those files to your server.
<li>Change file permissions:
<br>On Unix the users.dat and log.dat files need to be writable by the webserver (usually "nobody").
<br>On Windows 9X/ME no permissions need to be changed.
<br>On Windows NT/2000 the users.dat and log.dat files need to be writeable by the webserver (usually "INET_USR" or similar)
<li><b>Using the scripts:</b>
<br>Now we need to use the scripts.
<br>First point your browser to the uploaded admin script:
Log in using the selected username and password.
<li><i>Create a new user.</i>
<br>To create a new user simple fill out the information in the "New User" form and click "Create". 
<li><i>Delete a user.</i>
<br>Simply check the box next to the username you wish to delete and click "Delete".
<li><i>Change password.</i>
<br>Select the username from the list and enter the new password in the password and confirm password boxes then click change.
<li><i>View Log.</i>
<br>If you have selected to log the login attempts, the you can view the log file by clicking "View Log".
<li><i>Clear log.</i>
<br>Click the button to clear the log file (Caution: there is no undo feature).
<li>Administrator can also log on through the "login" section, but the it is not logged.
<li><i>Protecting a Page</i>
<li>To protect a page you must simply include this line at the very top of the page you wish to protect:
<pre>&lt;?php include("protect.php"); ?&gt;</pre>
It is very important that there are not blank lines or spaces before the above line.
<br>If protect.php is in a directory different to the one the page is in the line will need to look like this:
<pre>&lt;?php include("directory/protect.php"); ?&gt;</pre>
<br>If protect.php is in a directory above the one the page is currently in it may need to look like this:
<pre>&lt;?php include("../directory/protect.php"); ?&gt;</pre>

<li>Page protect functions:
Protect pages have access to a number of PHP functions used to display the persons name, username or logout URL.
<br>You use them in the page like this:
<pre>&gt;?php function_name(); ?&gt;</pre>
See example.php for a protected file that uses all the functions.
<br>Print users name, ie: "David Broker".
<br>Prints the username, ie: "david"
<br>Prints the URL to logout.
<br>Example usage: <pre>&lt;a href="&lt;?php print_logout_url(); ?>"&gt;Click here to logout&lt;/a&gt;</pre>
<br>Prints the URL of the page the user first sees when they login.
<li><i>Logging On/Off</i>
<ul>To login simply open login.php in your browser and enter the 
username and password that you created in the Administration section.
<li>If sucessful you will be brought to the firstpage that was specifed in the configuration.
<li>If unsucessful an appropriate error message will be shown.
<li>To logout you need to have a page which call the print_logout_url() function, as shown above.
<h2><a name="changelog">ChangeLog</a></h2>
<li><i>26-01-02 V1.0.0b</i>
<li>Fixed small session destroy bug.
<li>Removed accidental &gt; at the end of conf.php
<li><i>27-11-01 V1.0.0</i>
<li>Initial Release.
<li>A user authentication system.
<li>Logon script starts/ends session.
<li>Protection script gets that session and shows page, or shows unauth message.
<li>Admin script for user admin/log viewing.
<li>Text file database. MD5 passwords.
<h2><a name="todo">To Do</a></h2>
<li>User change own password.
<li>More admin options (edit user).
<li>Lost password options.
<li>More information stored on user.
<li>Email confirmation of registration.
<li>Online register requests.
<li>DB Support