Просмотр файла SimpleMember1.0/readme.txt

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 Simple Member 1.0
 by: http://free-php.net

 # Requirements

 -- PHP 4 (http://www.php.net)
 -- MySQL (http://www.mysql.com)

 # MySQL Database Setup

 -- Open sql.txt in the main Simple Member 1.0 folder.
 -- Paste the contents into a tool that can execute SQL commands for your MySQL DB

 # Installation

 -- Follow the MySQL Database Setup Before Continuing
 -- Open main.php in the root folder and modify the settings for your server
 -- Upload to your server

 # How to Use Simple Member 1.0

 -- At this time there are no admin utilities to view, edit, remove your members, etc.

 -- The login / add member script is located at http://domain/to/main/path/index.php


 -- Make sure that you have created the required database table (users)
 -- Make sure all paths are correct in each file use full paths if necessary.