Размер файла: 1.32Kb
* data.txt backup to html
* 6-1-2000, urs_at_circle_dot_ch
function backup_news($datafile = "data/mynews.txt") {
$outputfile = "data/mynews.htm";
$content = file($datafile);
$size = count($content);
for($i=0; $i<count($content); $i++) {
$myLINES[$i] = explode("|",$content[$i]);
if (!$fp = @fopen($outputfile, "w+")) {
echo ("Unable to write to outputfile");
} else {
fputs ( $fp, "<html><table width=450 border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>\n" );
// last in last out
for($j=count($content); $j>0; $j-- ) {
// date
fputs ( $fp, "<tr><td>" . stripslashes($myLINES[$j][1] )) ;
// author
fputs ( $fp, (strlen($myLINES[$j][4]) ? " - " : "" ) . stripslashes($myLINES[$j][4] ) . "</td></tr>\n" );
// title
fputs ( $fp, "<tr><td><b>" . stripslashes($myLINES[$j][2] ) . "</b></td></tr>\n" );
// message
fputs ( $fp, "<tr><td>" . stripslashes($myLINES[$j][3] ) . "</td></tr>\n" );
// horizontal line
fputs ( $fp, "<tr><td><hr width=100% size=1></td></tr>\n" );
fputs ( $fp, "</table></html>\n");
fclose( $fp );