Размер файла: 2.96Kb
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Topic: News Database based on Files
// File: rss.inc.php
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Topic: RSS file export
* Author: urs_at_circle_dot_ch
* Date: 20-11-2000
* Help: http://my.netscape.com/publish/help/mnn20/
function export_rdf($datafile) {
global $channel;
$content = file($datafile);
$size = count($content);
for($i=0; $i<count($content); $i++):
$myLINES[$i] = explode("|",$content[$i]);
if (!$fp = @fopen($channel[datadir] . $channel[outputfile], "w+")) {
echo ("Unable to write to outputfile");
} else {
fputs ( $fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$channel[rdf_encoding]\"?>\n\n" );
fputs ( $fp, "<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC \"-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN\"\n \"http://my.netscape.com/publish/formats/rss-0.91.dtd\">\n" );
fputs ( $fp, "<rss version=\"0.91\">\n\n" );
fputs ( $fp, "<channel>\n" );
fputs ( $fp, "<title>$channel[rdf_title]</title>\n ");
fputs ( $fp, "<link>$channel[rdf_link]</link>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<description>$channel[rdf_descr]</description>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<language>$channel[rdf_lang]</language>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<copyright>$channel[rdf_copyright]</copyright>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<managingEditor>$channel[rdf_editor]</managingEditor>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<image>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<title>$channel[rdf_title]</title>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<url>$channel[rdf_url]</url>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<link>$channel[rdf_link]</link>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<width>120</width>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<height>20</height>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "<description>$channel[rdf_descr]</description>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "</image>\n\n");
// special handling of ten first messages
if(count($content) < 11){
$lowerlimit = 0;
} else {
$lowerlimit = count($content)-11;
for($j=count($content)-1; $j>$lowerlimit; $j--) {
fputs ( $fp, "<item>\n" );
$title = "<title>" . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($myLINES[$j][2])) . "</title>\n";
$link = "<link>" . $channel["rdf_link"] . "/zoom.php?id=" . $myLINES[$j][0] . "</link>\n";
fputs ( $fp, $title );
fputs ( $fp, $link );
fputs ( $fp, "</item>\n\n" );
fputs ( $fp, "</channel>\n");
fputs ( $fp, "</rss>\n");
fclose( $fp );